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你希望讨回赖帐客户的欠款吗?Do you wish to secure payment from a recalcitrant customer?

我之所以没有私下向你道歉,是因为我没把这当回事,而且还很自负。I was recalcitrant in private, because I am playful but proud too.

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但这些难以管理的印度蜂“刚刚打开包装就跑掉了”,她说。But the recalcitrant Indian bees “just packed up and left, ” she said.

他号召俗众不去参加那些拒不听命的祭司为人举行的弥撒。He called on the laity not to attend mass when celebrated by a recalcitrant priest.

奥巴马先生打算要给他的那些最不愿意训练的员工购买个人训练课。Mr. Obama has offered to buy personal training sessions for his most recalcitrant staffers.

德国进击顽强不驯的南斯拉夫人的主要力量显然是取道罗马尼亚。The main German thrust against the recalcitrant Yugoslavs would clearly come through Rumania.

此外,一项病例研究证明依法利珠单抗也许对顽固性特应性湿疹也是有效的。Plus, a case study demonstrates that efalizumab may also be useful for recalcitrant atopic eczema.

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他通过个人魅力、铁腕手段以及嘉许肯定,驯服了不听话的董事会成员。He tames recalcitrant board members through a mixture of personal appeal, strong-arming, and ego massage.

不屈不挠的后坐议员们挫败了首相操纵下议院匆忙通过这项法案的企图。Recalcitrant backbenchers hamstrung the prime minister's attempt to railroad the bill through the Commons.

就像有逆反心理的青少年一样,他们不情愿地让步,并开始完成这个多年前早就应该完成的家庭作业。Like recalcitrant teenagers, they are grudgingly giving in and doing the homework they should have done ages ago.

根据种子的脱水行为,可以把种子分为正常性、顽拗性和中间性种子。Seeds can be categorized into orthodox, recalcitrant and intermediate seeds depending on their storage behaviour.

由于顽拗性种子不耐脱水且对低温敏感,常规保存方法难以达到长期保存的目的。Being sensitive to desiccation and low temperature, the recalcitrant seeds can not be stored with conventional methods.

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超低温保存是一种有希望长期保存顽拗性种质资源的方法。However, cryopreservation has been proved as an appropriate method for the recalcitrant seed germplasm long-term storage.

奥利维耶因此案多次受到审讯,最终放弃顽抗,于2005年2月供出丈夫罪行。Olivier repeatedly in the trial, therefore, finally abandoned recalcitrant , in February 2005 her husband admitted crimes.

切割光束是一种短程但极具破坏力的离子光束,通常用于切割坚硬的小卫星。The cutting beam is a short ranged but devastating ionisation beam usually employed for gouging out recalcitrant moonlets.

本文综述了顽拗性种子的生理行为,分类及与生态因子的关系。In this article, the developmental characteristics of recalcitrant seeds and its sensitivity to desiccation are summarized.

根据种子的脱水行为将种子分为正常性种子、顽拗性种子和中间性种子。According to seed storage behavior, seeds can be categorized into orthodox seeds, recalcitrant seeds and intermediate seeds.

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甲草胺是一种世界上广泛使用的芽前除草剂,也是普遍存在的危险且难矿化的有机污染物。Alachlor is a widely used pre-emergence herbicide, and known as a dangerous, recalcitrant and ubiquitous organic contaminant.

而对如何处理四分五裂的南斯拉夫和桀骜不驯的俄罗斯,北约内部曾经分歧很大。There were the disagreements about how to handle the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the often recalcitrant stance of Russia.

在此我们报告一个以二氧化碳雷射成功治疗一顽固家族良性慢性天疱疮的病例。For recalcitrant cases of Hailey-Hailey disease, as in this case, the use of a CO2 laser may be an effective therapeutic modality.