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有人把秘密泄露出去了,。Some has disclosed the sec ret.

对于神圣和惩戒,我们并不希望他们有这一技能。We don't actually like Holy and Ret having SA.

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RET指令操作码总是产生一个近的返回。The RET instruction opcode always generates a near return.

为什么你将对于惩戒的最初的削弱说成是一个外科手术?Why did I describe our initial attempts to nerf Ret as surgical?

海运市场持续看涨,目前无法获昨相同动费率。Ret market continue bullish no chance to get same rate presently.

采访记者们一旦知道所要写的新闻,就着手工作。As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they Ret down to work.

由于货源充足,下个星期市场行情可能下跌。As the goods are in plenty supply, the market will probably fall ret week.

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惩戒的输出在奥达尔已经有点稍稍落后了,即使他们获得了很好的武器。Ret paladins may have been slightly behind in Ulduar, at least until they got very good weapons.

结论RET基因突变与家族性先天性巨结肠症的发生有关。Conclusion Mutation of RET proto oncogene might play an role in the familial Hirschsprung′s disease.

于先生在查找档案的偶然机会中,澄清了一件广为流传的秘闻。Yu Shanpu clears up a sec- ret story spreaded far and wide in accordance with a literature found of late.

处理后水回用沤麻,既避免了污染环境,又做到了废水再利用。It both avoids environmental pollution and recycles the wastewater reusing the treated wastewater to ret flax.

方法应用PCRSSCP银染技术对30例先天性巨结肠原癌基因RET第17外显子进行检测。Method Exon 17 of RET proto oncogene from 30 children with Hirschsprung′s disease was detected by PCR SSCP method.

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目的探讨原癌基因RET与先天性巨结肠发生的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship between RET proto oncogene and the pathogenesis of Hirschsprung′s disease.

假如我今天看了1200个惩戒骂娘帖,你可以看到一些术士和战士的毫无意义的、空洞的窃喜。If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret allies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors.

如果我今天看了1200个惩戒骂娘帖,你可以看到一些术士和战士的毫无意义的、空洞的窃喜。If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret pallies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors.

这将意味着在保护环境的同时,还可为生产单位节约成本,直接创造经济效益。This means that it not only protects the environment but also saves production cost and creates economic ret urns directly.

第二部分就是他们最终综合了数据,但是决定控制惩戒骑士“玩的开心”。Part two was when they finally did comprehend the data but decided to hook as many as possible by allowing ret to "have fun".

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目的探讨RET基因的表达情况与先天性巨结肠发生的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression of RET proto oncogene and the pathogenesis of Hirschsprung's disease.

深防护和深惩戒需要1到2个超酷的天赋,我们将通过合并或移除一些天赋来腾出地方。Deep Ret and deep Prot need 1 or 2 more cool talents. We'll carve out room by bundling or just swapping out some of the current talents.

因为这正是我想做的,回顾往事,我们在削弱惩戒方面太猴急了,但却没有解决任何问题。Because that's what we tried to do. In retrospect, we were so worried about nerfing Ret too much that we ended up not fixing the problem.