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阿切尔太太脸上露出宽容的微笑。Mrs. Archer produced an indulgent smile.

你太放纵孩子了。You are too indulgent with your children.

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格林先生对他人的缺点总是宽大为怀。Mr. Green is indulgent of others' shortcomings.

这冰糕是奶油味的,而且可以完全放纵。This sorbet is so creamy and totally indulgent.

不应该姑息他的错误。We shouldn't be indulgent towards his mistakes.

宽仁的老师赞美了每一首我们写的诗。The indulgent teacher praised every poem we wrote.

讲到容忍她的反复无常,他实在是太迁就了。He was rather too indulgent in humouring her caprices.

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有些人或许会认为这种自我探究未免有点自我沉溺。Some may find this self-exploration a little indulgent.

越是阔绰大手笔的礼物越是使人产生更大的怀疑。The more indulgent the gift the greater the suspicion it seems.

父母亲对孩子既不能过严也不能过分溺爱。Fathers and mothers should be neither too strict nor too indulgent.

处女举止行为都很拘谨,非处女放纵放荡些。Virgin behavior is very formal, non-virgin more indulgent debauchery.

这是一款丰厚滋养的护手霜,能减淡岁月的踪迹。A rich and indulgent hand cream, that helps to address the signs of ageing.

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狄俄尼索斯让雷雨下得失去理性,放纵的欲望都解开束缚。Dionysus let it rain without reason. all the indulgent desire had been unbuttoned.

最早提出这个概念的周以宽容的微笑掩盖了他的厌烦。Zhou, who had first put that idea forward, hid his boredom behind an indulgent smile.

但今年,由于手头紧,圣诞已不再是一个欢乐享受的事情了。But this year, as budgets tighten, Christmas will become a much less indulgent affair.

五年以前,珍妮丝十六岁,是她父母的教养女儿。Five-years ago, Janice was sixteen years old, and a spoilt daughter of indulgent parents.

这一罪名的法定刑太轻,有放纵那些腐败分子之嫌。Such a legal sentence is too light and is suspected of being indulgent with the degenerates.

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摆满了雅座和餐桌的、幽暗而温暖舒适的酒吧,正是一醉方休再好不过的地方了。This dark and luscious warren of cosy booths and tables is dedicated to indulgent nightcaps.

于是香蕉的这种特质使之成为制作一款饕餮甜品再合适不过的理想水果。And it is precisely this quality that makes bananas the ideal fruit for an indulgent dessert.

用溺爱态度培养出来的人,是自私自利到所谓透顶了的人。Trained by indulgent attitude of the people, is to the people through the so-called egoistic.