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那是他的一种掩饰。It was his mask.

什么样的面具?What kind of mask?

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这是我的小面具。P4 This is my mask.

那潜水镜上究竟说什么?What did the mask say?

他戴上呼吸面罩,弯腰捡起刀。He dons his breathing mask.

多利!面罩上说什么?Dory! What did the mask say?

她的脸上全是狂怒的表情。Her face was a mask of rage.

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怎样做天然泥粉脸膜?How to do natural clay mask?

面具上写著「鲁伊斯下台。The mask reads" Out Ulises."

你现在应戴只口罩么。You should be wearing a mask.

眼图和面具测试。Eye diagrams and mask testing.

这就是你为什么要戴面具吗?Is that why you wear that mask?

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它仅是一个很奇怪的面具。It is just a very strange mask.

深层护发素或者蛋白质面膜Deep conditioner or protein mask

然后突然撕下了面具。Suddenly he pulled off his mask.

他用面具把脸蒙得严严的。She whipped the mask off her face.

金粉面膜所有皮肤类型。Gold Powder Mask For all skin type.

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做一个黄瓜牛油果美容面膜Make a Cucumber Avocado Facial Mask

尝试重新面具的脸。Try reseating the mask on the face.

编辑在列表中所选的关键字。Edits the mask selected on the list.