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在班钟排第四名。In Ban Zhongpai fourth.

这是第四届国际极地年。This is the fourth IPY.

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那第四个人是谁?Who is that fourth one?

赫本是他的第四任妻子。She was his fourth wife.

四是求同存异。The fourth is tolerance.

然后在第四节又扭到一次。Then again in the fourth.

第四条规矩是绝不说谎。The fourth rule is no lies.

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第四道印是死亡。So death is the fourth seal.

第四组是快板。The fourth group is allegro.

2的4次方是16。The fourth power of 2 is 16.

其四耐寒怕热。Fourth cold Heat intolerance.

第四官员将是马佐勒尼。Fourth man will be Mazzoleni.

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第四维是时间。The fourth dimension is time.

第四道就是外城了。The fourth is the Outer City.

唉,她的第四次试跳犯规了。Well, her fourth jump fouled.

第四个阶段是六十年代And the fourth one is the '60s.

第四种人错过机会。The fourth fumbles opportunity.

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他喝光自己的第四杯波旁威士忌。He'd finished his fourth bourbon.

他喝光自己的第四杯波旁威士忌。He’d finished his fourth bourbon.

第四章是词汇表。The fourth chapter is a glossary.