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不要乱动我的玩具。Don't meddle with my toys.

别干预我的事。Don't meddle in my affairs.

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我不敢干预你的计划。I dare not meddle with your plans.

我与她不再有什么瓜葛了。I no longer had to meddle with her.

好啦,我得教训教训她怎么去管闲事。Well, i'll learn her how to meddle.

我要告诫你别管我闲事!I'll teach you to meddle in my affairs.

不要乱弄供电线路。Don't meddle with the electrical wiring.

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你知道的,就像我之前说的,我不想插手这件事。You know, like I said, I don't want to meddle.

他总喜欢干涉别人的事。He is inclined to meddle in other people's affairs.

上帝饶恕我,别让任何人干涉我,她是我的,是我的。forgive me.And let no men meddle with me.She is mine.Mine.

只要人类存在婚恋行为,外人就想加以干涉。FOR as long as humans have romanced each other, others have wanted to meddle.

也无需萨班斯和公司再狼狈为奸,继续制定一些新的更加严厉的管制措施干涉经济。No need for Sarbanes and Company to meddle and make newer and stiffer regulations.

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我们是船上的乘客,尽可不必去过问那航海图与罗盘针。It is not for us who are passengers, to meddle with the chart and with the compass.

跟锯齿一样粗糙,像燧石一样的软!你最好别和他往来。Rough as a saw-edge, and hard as whinstone! The less you meddle with him the better.

药壁的结构特点为一层中层和腺质绒毡层。The features of structure of anther wall are of one meddle layer and glandular tapetum.

不要干涉恶徒的事,因为你是松脆的,而且涂上番茄酱后味道会更好。Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

要是你知道某某亲戚有干涉别人的习惯,不要向他吐露心声。Don't confide in any relatives whom you know have a tendency to meddle in other people's affairs.

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无所不能插手凶龙恶兽的事,因该你是松脆的,而被涂上番茄酱后味道好极了。Do not meddle in the affwaterdrops of dragons, since you are not crunchy or taste bad dawn ketchup.

问题是随着美国撤走军队,美国队时局的影响力就会减弱,另外,伊拉克现在需要适当的主权,所以美国通过什么权利去插手伊拉克的国内政治呢?Besides, Iraq is supposedly sovereign now. So by what right can America meddle in its internal politics?

目的研究宝鸡市市区儿童铅中毒相关因素,提出干预对策。Objective To study Baoji city children lead poisoning correlative factor, advance meddle countermeasure.