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百家乐有一个非常低的赌场优势。Baccarat has a very low house edge.

开心百家乐是经典赌场游戏。Happy baccarat is a classic casino game.

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是五星宏辉最低也为您的高?Are the baccarat minimums too high for you?

在线游戏百家乐发挥自己舒适的家。Play online baccarat game in the comfort of your own home.

如果他挑选一个游戏是作为传统百家乐游戏。If he picks one the game is as a traditional baccarat game.

在复杂的游戏百家乐这是你的家。In the sophisticated game of Baccarat it's you against the House.

您还会发现轮盘赌,二十一点,百家乐浮式和拉氏,等等。You'll also find Roulette , Blackjack , Baccarat Pontoon and Rummy, among others.

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巴卡拉在过去的两个半世纪创造了世界上最好的水晶和设计。Baccarat has been known for creating world's finest crystal and design for over two and a half centuries.

您的直觉是最强大和最明智的选择,您可以和百家乐让你就是这样。Your gut feel is one of the strongest and wisest choices you can make, and baccarat lets you do just this.

他们在Baccarat餐厅用餐,伊娃-郎格莉亚和托尼-帕克在那里进行了他们婚礼预演的宴会。They dined at the Baccarat restaurant, where Eva Longoria and Tony Parker had their wedding rehearsal dinner.

如果名称是不够的白送,这是意大利足球的最初,百家乐法国的变化。If the name wasn't enough of a give away, this is a French variation of the originally Italian game, Baccarat.

这是一个银行家,其中百家乐可以选择是否处理一个或两个手中的球员不寻常的变化。This is an unusual variation of baccarat in which the banker may choose whether to deal one or two hands to the player.

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百家乐本质上是一种充满着运气的游戏,但请记住,当你赌博时,能够享受到乐趣那才是幸运的。Baccarat is essentially a game of chance, but keep in mind that what matters when you gamble is getting lucky and having fun.

而巴卡拉公寓作为这个品牌的最新亮点,将在上海续写这个品牌传奇。One of this brand's latest incarnations, Baccarat Residences in Shanghai brilliantly upholds the grace of this legendary brand.

麻神在上,马骝祝你生日快乐,波、股、马、百家乐瓣瓣都赢,次次都赢完都揾到靓的去不去!Ma Lok, Monkey hope you have a happy birthday. Win more in football, stock, horse and baccarat. And get a beautiful chicken everytime!

随着社会的经济迅速发展与人民的生活密切的相关的网络百家乐也得到了迅速发展。With the rapid economic development of society and peoples life closely related to the network baccarat has also been developed rapidly.

也有不同的纸牌游戏,你肯定是最熟悉的,如高新技术和下限百家乐,二十一点等多手游戏。There are also different card games that you are most definitely familiar with such as Hi and low limit Baccarat , Blackjack and other multi-hand games.

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有一个时期,大西洋城希尔顿提供了在百乐2号的甚至支付金钱,但却只赢就赢得了6个1到2比银行家打赌的版本。At one time the Atlantic City Hilton offered a version of the banker bet in baccarat which pays even money but only wins 1 to 2 odds on a winning total of 6.

度假村酒店的吃角子老虎机、百家乐赌桌及其他各式赌台散布各处,赌场规模比拉斯维加斯最大赌场大三倍以上。The hotel's slot machines, baccarat tables and other games of chance sprawl across a casino more than three times the size of the largest casino in Las Vegas.

百家乐与银行存款的相对回报率息息相关,如此断言不知是证据确凿还是作者的臆断。It's not clear whether this alleged link between the relative returns on Baccarat versus bank deposits is based on hard evidence, or just the reporter's imagination.