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如何控制铁矿石市场风险?。How to Control the Risks of Ironstone Market?

葡萄选自上了年纪的老葡萄树,生长在含铁矿石的红壤中。Selected from old vines planted on red loam with ironstone.

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铁矿石是冶金企业生产的主要原材料。Ironstone is primary original material of metallurgy enterprise.

此法可用于铁矿中铁的价态分析。The method has been applied to the analysis of the iron valence for ironstone.

铁矿石的采购供应链管理工作一直是钢铁行业重点控制的环节。So, the ironstone source-supply chain management is important for Steel industry.

铁矿石的采购供应链管理工作将直接影响公司的利润水平和竞争能力。The ironstone source-supply chain management has direct effect on profit and competition to Company.

铁矿石的采购、运输战略将直接影响冶金企业的效益和利润的增加。The purchase-conveyance strategy of ironstone directly affects the profit of metallurgy enterprises.

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通过比较,并考虑到重钢利用两种铁矿石资源的实际情况,决定采用线性规划方法来进行建模。With the practical situation of ironstone resource utilization in CISC, linear programming is adopted for the optimization model.

这是一处结合中国古典四合院建筑风格和长城全景的豪华院子。Ironstone. An architectural masterwork combining traditional Chinese courtyard design with sweeping views of the Great Wall of China.

对石英和磁铁矿的混合矿样进行浮选实验亦表明,鼠李糖脂可有效提高分选率。The flotation research of mixture of quartz and ironstone also indicate that rhamnolipid can effectively improve separation efficiency.

铁矿石作为炼铁的主原料,占铁水成本的70%,占整个产成品制造成本的40%左右。The cost of ironstone accounts for 70 percent of the total cost of molten iron, the number is 40 when in the context of the whole manufacture cost.

论文最后在所建立优化模型的基础上,利用相关软件生成了一个进行最优化求解的优化系统,并根据该系统对重钢利用两种铁矿石资源的四种方案分别进行了优化比较,得到了可靠的结果。Finally, an optimization system is built up on the optimization model. And it is utilized to optimize and compare the four schemes of ironstone resource utilization in CISC.

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从1885年当地铁矿石和煤炭供应基本上耗尽,煤源正在进一步南部,铁矿石进口来自西班牙,并从1900年由瑞典。From 1885 the local ironstone and coal supplies were largely exhausted, with coal being sourced further south, and iron ore being imported from Spain, and from 1900 from Sweden.

同时,对高压辊磨机粉碎铁矿石的粉碎效果和工艺节能性也进行了试验研究,为该技术的进一步研究奠定了基础。Meanwhile, the crushing effect and saving energy of the equipment working in process of grinding ironstone are researched, all these lay a foundation for the further study of the technology.