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今天,是纳帕谷的近400家酒厂。Today, Napa Valley is home to almost 400 wineries.

琪兰酒庄是加州纳帕谷产区内一座有着逾百年历史的知名酒庄。Keenan Winery is a historic winery, which located in Napa Valley.

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纳帕谷的酿酒师们对中国的兴趣越来越浓。Napa Valley winemakers are taking an increasing interest in China.

阿米耶达是在纳帕谷拥有的一家精品酒庄。Amizetta is a family owned boutique Napa Valley Estate Vineyard and Winery.

蒙蒂塞洛大坝位于美国加州纳帕郡。The Monticello Dam is located in Napa County, California, the United States.

这是最受追捧的帕纳谷馨芳葡萄酒之一。The 2000 Aida Zinfandel is one of the most sought after Zinfandels in Napa Valley.

每当提起纳帕谷,人们都会不自觉地想起一片片连绵起伏的葡萄园。S. A, Napa Valley always features beautiful rolling vineyards and charming scenery.

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他说,让更多纳帕产葡萄酒进入中国餐馆有助于促进销售。He said getting more Napa wines on restaurant lists in China would help boost sales.

2004年,舒益谦的名字被载入英国泰特博物馆名人录。In 2004, his name was listed in Tate Modern Museum Archives as NAPA Signature Member.

纳帕和弗雷斯诺的平均气温差是华氏5度。The difference in average temperature between Napa and Fresno was 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

他仍然不像纳帕或索罗马,甚至世界上其他大多数的葡萄酒产区。It is still nothing like Napa or Sonoma or for that matter most other wine regions in the world.

幸福是一个在纳帕县,加利福尼亚州,索诺玛谷东景观照片的名称。Bliss is the name of a photograph of a landscape in Napa County, California, east of Sonoma Valley.

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别具特色的纳帕谷白垩土味道与深邃的特质令此酒回味绵长悠远。Distinctive Napa Valley chalkiness and a depth of character that results in a long lingering finish.

从地理和历史角度讲,酒庄所处的卢瑟福位于那帕谷的中心地带。The Rutherford Appellation is at the center of the Napa Valley both geographically and historically.

李超然将在加利福尼亚的纳帕山谷与球队会合,并在突袭者备战2007赛季的时候与球队共处一周。Li will join the team in Napa Valley, Calif. , for a week-long stay as it prepares for the 2007 season.

我个人的见解,最好的美国黑品乐产自俄勒冈州,接下来才是纳帕谷。According to my understanding, the best American Pinot Noir can be found in Oregon, next in Napa Valley.

东西葡萄酒贸易公司专营源自加州的纳帕,索诺玛,帕索罗布尔和加州其他地区的葡萄酒。East West Wine Trading specializes in wines from Napa , Sonoma, Paso Robles and other parts of California.

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其中纳帕和索诺玛县是最好的代表,也就是北海岸,中部海岸以及中央谷的葡萄酒。Napa and Sonoma Counties are well represented, as are North Coast, Central Coast, and Central Valley wines.

去年夏天,俱乐部就邀请了中国首批腰旗橄榄球教练之一的唐海岩来到纳帕山谷。Last summer, the team welcomed Tang Hai-Yan, one of the first flag football coaches in China, to Napa Valley.

瑟琳的第一个产出年份是1991梅洛,再来是1992海德单一葡萄园白苏维浓。Selene 's first vintage was the 1991 Napa Valley Merlot, followed by the 1992 Hyde Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc.