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淬硬工具钢。Hardened tool steel.

你们的心还是愚顽吗?Are your hearts hardened?

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河面已变得坚实了。The river has hardened up.

用刷子就可以刷去硬泥。A brush can remove hardened mud.

船上的生活已经使他变硬朗了。Life on a boat had hardened him.

再狠的人物都得叫我先生。Hardened felons called me "Mister."

水泥石对微波的吸收。Micro wave absorption of hardened cement.

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什么是心底刚硬的解毒药方?What is the antidote to a hardened heart?

双方的观点变得更强硬了。The viewpoints of the two parties hardened.

如何防止我们的心变刚硬?。VII. How to cure or prevent a hardened heart?

在谈到那次战斗时,他的表情严峻起来。His face hardened when talked about the battle.

在果实最后膨大期以前内果皮变硬。The endocarp is hardened before the final swell.

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这种互相的保证使我们死心塌地地干去。These mutual assurances hardened us in the thing.

干燥蛋制品不应硬化。Dried egg products should not be caked or hardened.

硬化的地板胶只能用机械方法清除。Hardened adhesive can only be removed mechanically.

锯片上干固的胶类会使切割速度降低。Hardened gum on the blade will slow down the cutting.

华盛顿在这次交易上的立场强硬了。Washington’s position on the transaction has hardened.

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假如挤不动,这说明酸奶已经变硬成了冰激凌。If it can’t, that means it has hardened into ice cream.

她痛恨暴力,直到她变得无坚不摧。As for violence, she hated it—until she became hardened.

最后,他终于鼓起勇气谈出了他自己的想法。He, at last, hardened and talked about his own thoughts.