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其种子无休眠期。Its seeds have not dormancy.

这里是一组休眠的火山群。The here is a volcanos of dormancy.

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夏眠在夏天处于睡眠状态。A state of dormancy or torpor during the summer.

在休眠期,植物必须保持非常干燥。During dormancy the plants must be kept very dry.

银叶椴种子属于综合性深休眠类型。Silver linden seed belongs to all-around deep dormancy.

你给我一个信息,我为你一夜无眠!Information, I do not have the dormancy for a your night!

下面将向你介绍一下网络受控休眠Here’s what Network Controlled Fast Dormancy is all about.

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根颈入土深度随秋眠级数的增加而变浅。Crown depth in soil decreased with fall dormancy increasing.

活尸的水银辐射会将尸祸从休眠中唤醒。Promethean's Azothic radiance awakens Pandorans from Dormancy.

2006年两种生境条件下均未出现明显休眠现象。Various circumstances there is no obvious dormancy happen in 2006.

黄连种子需要在低温条件下才能解除休眠。The seeds of Coptis chinensis need stratification to break dormancy.

对三种沙拐枣种子的休眠原因进行了分析。Causes of the seed dormancy of 3 species of Calligonum were analysed.

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低温层积80天即可解除八棱海棠种子休眠。The dormancy of seed of M. robusta is broke if stratified for 80 days.

研究所采用的树莓试材种子均不存在胚性休眠。There was no embryonic dormancy of the Rubus seeds used in this study.

巨噬细胞HO-1的清除可以降低休眠调节子的表达。Deletion of macrophage HO-1 reduced expression of the dormancy regulon.

对南方红豆杉种子休眠原因进行研究。The dormancy mechanism of Taxus chinensis var. mairei seeds wad studied.

你给我一个信息,我为你一夜无眠!You give me an information, I do not have the dormancy for a your night!

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这湿度也使了蛹结束冬眠,开始孵化。This humidity causes the eggs to come out of dormancy and begin developing.

因此有关休眠卡的数量目前没有统一的口径。So at present the amount of the dormancy card doesn't have a unitive caliber.

休眠是落叶果树生长发育的一个重要阶段。Dormancy is important for the growth and development of deciduous fruit trees.