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我们决不可自吹自擂。We must never brag and boast.

老师还夸我故事讲得好呢。The teacher also boast my story.

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他自吹他是最好的。His boast is that he is the best.

但是到2009年,默克尔拿什么来自卖自夸呢?What will Ms Merkel boast in 2009?

那没有什么值得自吹的。Nobody should boast of his learning.

山陵、溪谷夸说你的幸福。Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing.

说真的,就是这为我所夸耀的爱吧。Indeed this ery loe which is my boast.

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该市镇以拥有一个18穴的高尔夫球场而自豪。The town boast an 18-hole golf course.

现实与他们吹嘘的相差何止十万八千里。The reality is far from what they boast.

他们成功了,可他们没有以此自夸。They succeeded,but they didn't boast it.

让他的尸首去夸耀它的陋穴和骨灰瓮。His corse may boast its urn and narrow cave.

对于她的审美眼光,我们可不敢恭维。To her aesthetic vision, we can boast about.

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让他们的尸首去炫耀坟穴和骨灰瓮。His corpse may boast its urn and narrow cave.

他是真正傲视千峰万壑的伟人。He is truly a great man boast of Qianfeng Wanhe.

斧头岂能对用斧头砍伐的人自豪?Will the axe boast against him who hews with it?

雅典有引以自豪的现代化体育设施。Athens can boast very modern sporting facilities.

狼蛛有八只眼睛,全方位的视野。Tarantulas boast an eight-pack for all-round vision.

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嗯,也许你是,但是你不应该如此吹嘘。Well,maybe you are,but you should not boast so much.

Chios和Mitilini同样是具有木雕文化传统的地点。Chios and Mitilini also boast wood-carving traditions.

组织者自诩此次演出为“毕生难逢的体验”。Organizers boast of a "once-in-a-lifetime experience".