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意识是什么?What is consciousness?

意识和语言。Consciousness and language.

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意识是怎么一回事How is consciousness possible?

而意识又究竟是什么?And what is consciousness anyway?

觉性,这只是意识。Caitanya, it's only consciousness.

最后他还是失去了知觉。Finally he lost his consciousness.

让你的身体充满知觉。Flood your body with consciousness.

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意识上没有先后之分。There's no prior act of consciousness.

你的意识是具有神圣创造性的。Your consciousness is divinely creative.

在他们的潜意思里这是一个盲区。It’s a blind spot in their consciousness.

心识总是在攀援目标。Consciousness is always focused on objects.

他头朝下摔倒,失去了知觉。He fell on his head and lost consciousness.

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她撞到了头,失去了知觉。She banged her head and lost consciousness.

你能提高你的意识水平吗?Will you raise your level of consciousness?

我们的意识或许仅仅是假象。Our consciousness might just be an illusion.

年轻人需要危机意识!You should have the consciousness of crisis.

意识从不会同意朝九晚五,起早贪黑。Consciousness will never agree to work 9 to 5.

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奎师那知觉便是这永恒的生活。Krishna consciousness is the life of eternity.

意识的生物学基础是什么?What is the biological basis of consciousness?

就这样,他觉悟大大提高。Along the way, he has his consciousness raised.