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我可是从小被我妈逼着练跆拳道长大的。I was brought up by my mom made his kickboxing grew up.

如果下棋下不过你的电脑,不如试试拳击这件事。If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing.

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比如,我参加了曲棍球和跆拳道队。I was on the hockey and the kickboxing teams , for example.

我觉得像他那么强壮的人会赢得这场跆拳道比赛的。I think a robust man like him will win the kickboxing match.

在你的健身房中进行有趣的有氧拳击操和健身球活动!Pump up your gym with cardio kickboxing and fitness-ball fun!

跆拳道是一项极具东方特色的传统武技。Kickboxing is a kind of traditional oriental martial technique.

那就去跑跑步啊,学学跆拳道啊,游游泳啊,快速跑啊。So go running or take up kickboxing or swimming or speed walking.

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我个人认为,有氧拳击最能给人带来乐趣和满足。I personally feel that cardio kickboxing is the most fun and rewarding.

电脑有一次和我对弈获胜,但跟着比赛跆拳道,我大获全胜。A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing.

他的想法就是去泰国参加跆拳锦标赛。His idea of fun was to fly to Thailand to fight in a kickboxing tournament.

学习如何扔在这个免费视频对妇女的跆拳道一勾拳冲床。Learn how to throw an uppercut punch in this free video on women's kickboxing.

了解如何在此免费视频对妇女的跆拳道技术的腿回旋踢一回。Learn how to do a back leg roundhouse kick in this free video on women's kickboxing techniques.

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激昂、劲力、富有时代感的有氧搏击操是一种文明健康的运动。Kickboxing Aerobics which is exciting, vigoroso, and modern is a kind of civilized and healthy sport.

了解如何在此免费视频对妇女的跆拳道技术,尖脚趾加强旋踢。Learn how to do a pointed toe stepping front kick in this free video on women's kickboxing techniques.

他擅长散打,但他只是做攻击练习,因为他不想伤害其他人。He is good at kickboxing , but he gets hurt during practice just because he doesn't want to hurt others.

她曾经是跆拳道和空手道冠军,至少她的加入会让这部剧的打戏更上一层楼。As a former karate and kickboxing champion, she could bring a new degree of expertise to the show's fight scenes.

你有她的电话却从没打过雪莉?24岁,兴趣范围涉及跆拳道乃至韵律搏击。I gave you her number. You never called. Sherry?Sherry's 24. Her range of interest extends from kickboxing to Tae Bo.

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彼得·汤普森,24岁,现在是位于奥克兰的世界跆拳道协会的高级教练和国家运动员经理。Peter Thompson, aged 24, is now the senior instructor and national manager for the World Kickboxing Association in Auckland.

在自由搏击比赛前,参赛选手和教练都要出席官方称体重仪式和赛前碰头会。Before a kickboxing Bout, all trainers and fighters must be present at Both the official weigh-ins and the pre-fight meeting.

星期天,西班牙本地名将莫亚在巴塞罗那击败保加利亚选手托多罗夫,获得世界自由搏击锦标赛中量级冠军。Spain local hero Moya beat Bulgaria's Todorov in Barcelona t0 take the kickboxing middleweight world championship title on Sunday.