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他怎么看待那对纳税夫妇呢?What does he think of the taxpaying couple?

毕业生也会产生持续增加纳税群体。Graduates also provide communities with a continuing pool of taxpaying labor.

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现在,纳税人被要求去解救这些金融公司。Now, the taxpaying public is being asked to bail out these same financial firms.

中国百家纳税大户中,其中有35家是国有卷烟企业。Among China's hundred biggest taxpaying companies, 35 are state-run cigarette manufacturers.

如果一个纳税实体在一个以上国家居留,也可以出现双重征税。It can also occur when a taxpaying entity is resident for tax purposes in more than one country.

招商企业必须在苍南县进行工商、税务登记注册。Investing enterprises must make the taxpaying , industrial and commercial registration in Cangnan County.

纳税服务是近年来世界各国现代税收征管发展的新战略、大趋势。Taxpaying service is a new trend in the development of modern taxation administrative system in many countries.

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富人宽容穷人,就是要通过纳税和捐献的方式,把自己的资源和财富给予穷人。The rich tolerate the poor by taxpaying and contribution, i. e. bestowing on the poor their own resources and wealth.

责本县涉外地方税收的税法宣传、收政策咨询和纳税服务工作。Publicize and consult in all kinds of local tax laws and regulations on foreign enterprises, servicing for the taxpaying.

它随后购买了七叶树管道和几家其他成熟付税公司以批转。It subsequently purchased Buckeye Pipeline and several other mature, taxpaying companies so that carry-forward could be used.

纳税遵从理论是近年来西方国家研究税收征管的前沿问题。The theories of taxpaying compliance is the front research on tax collection and administration in western nation in recent years.

作为这个国家的纳税公民,我们应当要求我们的公职人员,哪怕是那么一点点的,承诺。And as taxpaying citizens of the country we should demand at the very least this commitment from those who we entrust with public office.

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股份有限公司是适用特定税率的独立纳税实体,按照联邦税率和州税率纳税。Tax Considerations. A corporation is a separate taxpaying entity with its own tax rates. Taxes are to be paid on federal and state levels.

它寻求帮助统治者维持国内秩序,维护传统,并维持一个恒定的生活水准,为纳税人农民。It sought to help the rulers maintain domestic order, preserve tradition, and maintain a constant standard of living for the taxpaying peasants.

本文针对当前我国税务系统的需求,结合先进的网络技术,提出一种新型的网络申报系统方案。This text aims at the present need of our country' s system, joining together advanced network technique, and design a new taxpaying network system.

第三十二条纳税人在纳税期内没有应纳税款的,也应当按照规定办理纳税申报。Article 32 Where a taxpayer has no payable tax within a taxpaying period, it shall handle tax filing in accordance with the relevant requirements as well.

优化纳税服务,降低纳税成本一直是我国政府和学者所关注的问题。Optimizing taxpaying service and reducing the cost of taxpayers has been the question that government and scholars paid close attention to very much all the time.

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研究表明,纳税,作为社会公约中自由选择的一部分,若过分强调执行税法,则这种自由会显得不那么自由,因而会削弱税德。Research suggests that overemphasizing enforcement can actually weaken tax morale, by making taxpaying seem less like a freely chosen part of the social contract.

因此,要使税收流失情况得到好转,不仅要提高公民的纳税意识,还要改进税收管理,以及完善税收法律法规。So how to change tax losing situation is also complex. We have to enhance civil taxpaying consciousness, to improve the tax administration, and to perfect the laws.

乔丹一个人的出场费、广告费收入就相当于一个企业,乔丹本人就是国家的纳税大户。The in- come of Jordan's fee of entering the arena and advertisement are equal to that of an enterprise. Jordan himself is an important customer of taxpaying for the country.