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第二天去河边吃早午餐?Brunch by the river the next day?

还有,也许要避开星期天的早午餐。And perhaps avoid that Sunday brunch.

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今天是星期日,约了一对朋友于湾仔进午膳。I had brunch with a couple friend today.

在这期间凯文和他的女朋友卡安谈话。During brunch Kevin talks to his girlfriend Karen.

我提到乘坐热气球时他们会提供一份香槟早午餐吗?Did I mention the balloon ride includes a champagne brunch?

这些都是受欢迎的伴奏,以早餐或午餐车费。These are popular accompaniments to breakfast or brunch fare.

或者你也可以带她到她最喜爱的餐馆好好搓一顿。Or treating her to a delicious brunch at her favorite restaurant.

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今天早上我去了一个以自助早午餐而闻名的餐厅。This morning I went to a restaurant famous for its brunch buffet.

我知道怎样会让我整天都快活起来。我们何不去外头餐厅吃早午餐呢?Well, I know what would make my day. Let's go out to have brunch?

实际上,有些厨师不喜欢星期天上班,尤其是早午餐时间。It is true that some chefs hate working on Sundays, especially brunch.

等我们终于赶到餐厅时,要吃自助早午餐已经太晚了。When we finally got to the restuarant, it was too late for the brunch buffet.

同时,周日一些镇上附近的酒吧里也会提供美式早午餐。Also, in a few bars around town an American-style brunch is served on Sundays.

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我会打扫房间,周末至少也会有一天外出吃早午饭。Clean my apartment and I usually go out for brunch at least one day of the weekend.

起床以后,我就会在早餐餐厅或者其他类似的地方吃一个早午饭。And then usually I can go get brunch at a breakfast restaurant or something like that.

可以考虑举办一次有香槟酒的周日早午餐而非就坐的宴会。Instead of a seated dinner, consider hosting a Sunday brunch with Champagne Bellini’s.

即使未在春天湾酒店入住,你仍可以预定在早上、上午或者晚上的小船游。Non-guests of the Spring Bay Inn can sign up for morning, brunch or evening kayak tours.

她妈妈埃莉诺刚从巴黎回来,还有瑟琳娜。范德。伍德森,她的早午餐会伙伴。Her mom Eleanor, who just returned from Paris and Serena Van Der Woodsen, brunch buddies.

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无需黎明前的叫醒电话,没有赶在早午饭前去看五大野生动物的鹰眼长者。No pre-dawn wake-up calls, no eagle-eyed seniors keen on spotting the Big Five before brunch.

每周日早午餐每位288元人民币,周五至周日晚餐每位368元人民币,都为您献上西班牙美食。RMB 288 per person for brunch on Sundays, RMB 368 per person for dinner from Friday to Sunday.

联合国“三河是法国美食咖啡厅。享受早餐,午餐和晚餐服务,以及早午餐。Cafe Un Deux Trois serves French cuisine. Enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner service, as well as brunch.