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算了,不要想了,我现在脑袋都被GRE作文的逻辑给糊住了,哈哈!I'm now full of arguments of GRE writing logic. lol!

所有申请者必须提供GRE普通考试的成绩。All applicants must meet scores on the GRE general test.

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GRE普通考试的报名工作将不受影响。Registration for the current GRE will continue as normal.

所有申请者必须提供GRE普通考试的成绩。All applicants must submit scores on the GRE General Test.

并且所有申请者必须提供GRE普通考试的成绩。And all applicants must submit scores on the GRE General Test.

山姆.你好.你GRE准备得怎么样了啊?Hello, Sam, how are you getting along with your GRE preparation?

是的。并且所有申请者必须提供GRE普通考试的成绩。Yes. And all applicants must submit scores on the GRE General Test.

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针对不同的绿色壁垒应采取不同的态度、不同的应对策略。We should adopt different manner and strategy to different Gre en barriers.

在这里告诉大家我在准备GRE时所学到的三条学习策略。Here are three study strategies I learned while I was preparing for the GRE.

最终祝英台以托福和GRE高分的成绩被哥伦比亚大学录取。Lovers end-to high TOEFL and GRE scores were admitted at Columbia University.

最好的诊断测试可以在GRE练习书里找到,这些书在亚马逊网站或书店有售。The best ones can be found in GRE practice books, available on Amazon or in bookstores.

关于GRE的详细信息可以在教育测试服务网站ets.org上查到。Infomation about GRE can be found on the Educational Testing Service Web site, ets. org.

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GRE考试所有考生的报考需求,因此决定取消新GRE普通考试推出计划。ETS had originally planned to launch the revised GRE General Test worldwide in September.

在主动脉瘤患者中,SE及GRE序列均能显示主动脉梭形或局限性扩张。In aortic aneurysm, both SE and GRE can display the fusiform or localized enlarged aorta.

因此,随信补交我的GRE成绩单并希望你们能重新考虑我的申请。Therefore, I am enclosing a copy of my GRE score and hope you will reconsider my application.

在英军的步兵中,尤其是在兰伯特的旅部里,有不少新兵。There was in the English infantry, particularly in Kempt's brigade, a GRE at many raw recruits.

尽管我们的托福,GRE和托业考试在中国已经存在很多年了,ETS中国区办公室是新成立的。ETS China office is new in China although our TOEFL, GRE and TOEIC have been in China for many years.

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官方指南是十分有用的,可是ETS的GRE网站的确包含了很多材料。The official book is helpful, but there's actually a lot of material available on the ETS' GRE website.

完成交费的考生,请填写好报名表,填好后提交。Upon completion of your payment, please proceed to fill out the GRE online registration form and submit it.

遗憾的是,新东方学校一直非法盗用、复制并销售ETS版权所属的试题资料,他们甚至滥用我们授权该校使用的托福考题。Without our permission, New Oriental School has used, copied and sold ETS’s copyrighted GRE exam materials.