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篡位者。The usurper.

但他并非一位篡位者。However, he was not a usurper.

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告诉我,你是怎么从篡位者那里逃出来的。Tell me how you escaped from the Usurper.

篡位者从国王手里夺得了权力。The usurper wrested the power from the king.

我猜篡夺者将它们碾成了粉末。The usurper had them smashed to powder, I expect.

我认为这个女人是僭取我的财产的人。I consider this woman as the usurper of my property.

我认为这个女人是僭取我的财产的人。I considered this woman as the usurper of my property.

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太阳矛在篡权者偷了我父亲的皇冠后一直对他忠诚。Sunspear stayed loyal to my father when the Usurper stole his throne.

陛下,逆贼已在二月十八日离开了厄尔巴岛,三月一日登陆了。Well, sire, the usurper left Elba on the 26th February, and landed on the 1st of March.

英雄们平安地抵达爱俄克斯,杰逊并且取代篡位者派里鄂斯的王位,永远幸福地统治这个国家。The heroes reached Iolcus in safety, and there Jason reigned long and happily in the place of King Pelias , the usurper.

他上台后,我会认为他是一个“篡夺者”,他所做的任何事都不会值得我去尊敬。When he takes office he will be considered a "usurper" not deserving of my respect for anything of which he affixes his name.

第二,做为一个非民选篡位者,穆沙拉夫将国内主流政治党派视为其首要政治对手。Second, as an unelected usurper of the presidency, Mr Musharraf saw the mainstream political parties as his chief political rivals.

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经过多年的流亡,它终于回国推翻篡权者,并成为国王,从而完成了自己“生命循环”的历史使命。After years of exile, he finally returned home to overthrow the usurper and claimed to be king, thus completing the "Circle of Life".

他很容易推断那就是贫儿汤姆·康第有意利用他那千载难逢的机会,成了一个篡位的角色。He easily concluded that the pauper lad, Tom Canty, had deliberately taken advantage of his stupendous opportunity and become a usurper.

他尤其喜欢提及杜都格姆努国王。杜都格姆努国王是公元前2世纪有名的勇士王,打败了从印度来的泰米尔篡位者Elara。In particular, he likes to recall Dutugemunu, a famous warrior-king of the second century BC, who defeated Elara, a Tamil usurper from India.

被穆沙拉夫赶下台的前任总理谢里夫,正竭力争取让他的篡位者接受法律的审判。谢里夫也是扎尔达里最强大的竞争对手。Mr Sharif, the prime minister that Mr Musharraf overthrew and Mr Zardari's greatest rival, is pushing for his usurper to be brought to justice.

令人遗憾的是,军事专制从本质上讲,似乎是能长期存在的,但是,说它取决于第一个篡位者的寿命是不对的。Military despotism, unfortunately, is too likely in its nature to be permanent, and it is not true that it depends on the life of the first usurper.

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报道称,朝鲜最高司令部在声明中说,朝方将“逆贼败党”的行为当作新的宣战,将会采取相应的军事报复。Reported that the DPRK Supreme Command said in a statement, the DPRK will "usurper defeated party" behavior as a new declaration of war, the military will take revenge.

法老王绝不会自动放弃手中的最高权力,更不愿被阴谋篡位者“吃掉”,他会竭尽全力,以反抗以“吞没”为梦象的篡位者。Pharaoh will not give up in the hands of the supreme power, but do not want to be a conspiracy usurper "eat", he will make every effort to resist the "swamped" as the dream as a usurper.