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她是个健忘的女孩。She is a forgetful girl.

最近我总是丢三拉四的!I've been forgetful lately!

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我最近总是丢三落四的。I’ve been forgetful lately.

最近我总是丢三落四。I have been forgetful lately.

是一个马大哈。Jiang Hao is a forgetful boy.

我奶奶非常健忘。My grandma is very forgetful.

最近我老是丢三落四的。I've been forgetful these days.

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日常活动健忘。Is forgetful in daily activities.

回来吧,健忘的诗神,立刻轻弹。Return forgetful Muse, and straight redeem.

你才十岁怎么就这么健忘?How could you be so forgetful at the age of ten?

没有比健忘的撒谎者更可怜的事了。There is nothing so pathetic as a forgetful liar.

当她把他忘了的时候,他又把她找着了!While she was forgetful of him, he had found her again!

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最近我总是丢三落四的。I’ve been forgetful lately. I’ve been forgetful these days.

健忘是一种病态,善忘是一种境界。Being forgetful is morbid, but willing to forget is a grace.

你必须再次提醒他。他是很善忘的人。You have to remind him once again. He is a forgetful person.

他下定决心,从此绝不再丢三落四了。He decided, once and for all, not to be forgetful in the future.

发生了什么事,中年以后,使我们的大脑如此健忘?What is happening in middle age that makes our brains so forgetful?

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后来,老婆婆变得健忘了。Eventually the old lady who owned the house started to become forgetful.

绝经期后,当雌激素水平骤然下降,一些女性开始变得健忘。After menopause, when estrogen levels plummet, some women become forgetful.

快刀斩乱麻式的读经,只会教人把神的应许忘得一乾二净。Just skimming and scanning the Bible makes one forgetful of God's promises.