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得啦,少得意一点吧。Come, be a little less in alt.

按下并释放另外一个Alt键Press and release the other Alt key.

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如果你有很多小号和东西,最好留一个在后方。If you have a bunch of alts and stuff leave an alt behind.

你应该一直使用Alt属性描述你的图像。You should always describe your image in the alt attribute.

其他病毒和宿主因素不预测将来的ALT。Other viral and host factors were not predictive of future ALT.

1872年,沃尔特。斯科特开始在一辆马拉的四轮货车上卖食物。In 1872, W alt Sk at beg an to sell food out of Aw agon pull by a house.

只需确保先按住Alt键再按鼠标并拖动。Just make sure you press Alt before you press the mouse button and drag.

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高音单元铝用铁硼磁钢,性能更高。The alt unit aluminium is ferro-boron alnico with excellent performance.

治疗组仅有个别病例出现食欲下降、ALT和CK升高等。There were rare cases in treating group with appetite dropping and ALT and CK rising.

有一个最著名的体育明星就有美国的拳击手穆罕默德·阿里。One of the most famous sports superstars in the United States is the boxer Mnhammad Alt.

这一实施方式主要是利用ALT稀释液母液可以方便地配制ALT质控品而实施的。So the ALT dilution mother liquid can be confected to the ALT quality product expediently.

讽刺的是现在那些脱欧者又要抱怨外国人购买我们的东西了。The irony is, now Alt right Brexiteers will now moan about bloody foreigners buying stuff.

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计算了灌注参数、治疗周期和ALT值变化的相关性。The correlations among perfusion parameters, treatment cycle and ALT value were calculated.

然后指出使用绝对全局时钟进行节点之间的通信,而用绝对本地时钟作为处理机本地的时钟来进行计算以及其它各种操作。It is to use AGT to communicate in the nodes and ALT as the local time to calculate and so on.

耶稣的门徒和每一位基督徒应该把这个恩典的信息带到哪里?Where are the disciples, and therefore every Christian supposed to take this message of grace?alt.

坐在实验者旁边的另外一个人说他看到这个受试者按了Alt键。Another person in the room beside the experimenter said he saw the participant hitting the ALT key.

公会内目前有一只10人开荒团队,并定期组织分身团活动。There is an active 10-man raid for progression and the guild also organizes alt raids on weekly basis.

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然而,还不知道用来检测肝病的合适的谷丙转氨酶的临界值。However, the appropriate ALT threshold value to use for detecting liver disease in children is unknown.

上星期我看到一个妇人受到痛责,而你或许不能相信,这使她的为人变得更糟糕了。Last week I saw a woman flay, and you will hardly believe how much it alt ers her person for the worse.

给小鼠不同剂量、次数和时间的酒精,测定血清ALT。The mice were given alcohol with different dose, duration and time to determine the level of serum ALT.