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摘要民间美术是乡土艺术,是一切美术的母体。Folk art, an agrestic art, is the mother of all types of art.

自然朴实的格调,显示出悠远的乡土气息。The style of natural guileless, show a long time ago agrestic breath.

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沈从文田园牧歌式的乡土小说在平和冲淡下隐伏着悲剧意蕴。Pastoral and agrestic novel writen by Shen Congwen contained tragical consciousness.

如今,画风有所改变,却不改其固有的乡土情结。Nowadays, picture wind is changed somewhat, do not change its inherent agrestic complex however.

可以说,糍粑具有浓郁的乡土气息,是湖北民间节庆的代表食品。Can say, the Ci Ba has heavy agrestic breathing, is representative's food of civil festival in Hubei.

风景画、风俗画散发着浓郁的乡土气息,加深了作品地域文化的内蕴。Landscape, genre painting emanated full-bodied agrestic tinge that enhanced the meaning of local culture.

乡土地理教育是中学生地理教育的一个重要组成部分。The agrestic geography education is high school student's geography educational an importance constitutes the part.

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但20世纪的中国乡土小说一直未正面多视角地对“祠堂”进行过深层文化透视。However, the 20th century agrestic literature did not have profound multicultural perspectives on "ancestral temple".

三角形空间因地制宜安放石桌、石凳,小桥流水,布满乡土气息。Triangular space adjust measures to local conditions puts stool of stone desk, stone, little bridge running water, be full of agrestic breath.

他将基本的制度类型分为四种,即性别差异制皮、年龄等级制度、乡土制度、家庭制度。He classifies four social institutions such as gender difference institution, age difference institution, agrestic institution and family institution.

对其详加研究无疑会进一步加深我们对传统文化及乡土建筑历史与现实价值的认识。A detailed study on that will certainly further our understandings on traditional culture and the historical and present values of the agrestic architecture.

本文主要从女童视角、乡土情结、底层文学创作和关注女性遭遇等几个创作点,来研究萧红当时创作的思想。This article mainly from girls agrestic complex, bottom Angle, the literary creation and focusing on women encounter and several other creation point, to study at the thought.

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三尖杉是我国一级保护树种,具有很高的药用价值,但是现存的自然资源有限,天然更新又极其困难。Cephalotaxus fortunei is a rarely agrestic seedling in fujian province which have a high medical value, but it is short of nature resource and difficult to renovate the resource.

对城、乡的对比描写很快奠定了其创作的早期风格,这既是在转型时代固守乡土文明的体现,也是现代社会进程带来的原初视角的转换。The contrastive description soon helped him to form the style, which not only embodied writer's adherence to agrestic civilization, but also the transition of angle to view the society change.

废名和萧红在小说创作中走上了返回传统与走向现代两种不同的道路,因而在叙述策略、文体风格、语言技巧、乡土色彩等方面形成了不同风格。Feiming and Xiaohong go to different way between back to tradition and go to modernity. They have their own styles in narration strategy, the style of article, language skill, agrestic colour etc.

乡土建筑研究是建筑理论研究的重要组成部分,聚落形态研究则是乡土建筑研究的核心所在。The study on agrestic architecture is an important constituent part of the study on architectural theory and the study on settlement conformation is the core of the study on agrestic architecture.