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我爬了过去。I crawl closer.

虫类和蛇善爬行。Worms and snakes crawl.

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我想我能爬上来。I think I can crawl back up.

为什么要在生活中匍匐前进呢?Why prefer to crawl through life?

爬山虎在墙上蔓延。Boston ivies crawl along the wall.

所以我现在只能一步步往上爬了。So now I have to crawl my way back.

救护车汽笛声让我汗毛直竖。The ambulance siren made my skin crawl.

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于是我们才胆战心惊地爬上我们自己的床。Then we dare to crawl into our own bed.

蠕虫在上面爬进爬出。The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.

婴儿可能不会尝试着去爬行或者翻身。Babies may not try to crawl or roll over.

他知道他甚至连半里路也爬不完了。He knew that he could not crawl half a mile.

我讨厌那些阿谀奉承的人。I hate people who creep and crawl to others.

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天花板太低了,我们只好匍匐前进。The ceiling was so low that we had to crawl.

我们的驾驶员乔·博伦把速度减得极慢。Joe Bolen, our pilot, slowed down to a crawl.

两个小时以后,他才让她爬上炕来。After two hours, he let her crawl back in bed.

约翰会游自由泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。He can swim breaststroke backstroke and crawl.

我快要等不及了,今天晚上要和你一起厮守。I can't wait to crawl in bed with you tonight.

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老黑母兔从地上爬起来。Old black females crawl up from the ground up.

他会游蛙泳、仰泳和自由泳。He can swim breaststroke, backstroke and crawl.

他在澳大利亚式爬泳大赛中夺得了两枚金牌。He won two gold medals in the Australian crawl.