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你设想第三次世界大战将在2050年爆发.You posit a third world war starting in 2050.

如果她需要救助,她就会设想一个救助者。If she needs salvation, she will posit a savior.

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所以,我们没有理由假定灵魂存在So we have no reason to posit the existence of a soul.

所以,我们没有理由假定灵魂存在So we have no reason to posit the existence of a soul."

所以我没觉得我一定要接受灵魂存在的假设So I don't feel forced to posit the existence of a soul.

或许我们需要假设灵魂存在以解释鬼魂Maybe we need to posit the soul in order to explain ghosts.

好吧,至少他还假定这是个对与错的问题。Well, at least he did posit it as a question of right and wrong.

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通过测量回馈光远场光斑的位置变化可以得到端机的跟瞄精度。The tracking precision is got by measuring the far-field facula posit.

你也可以喜欢力量和欢乐,或者你否定不良的习惯。You can also posit strength and joy, or you negate abuse and addiction.

当我们假定这样一种意图时,必须裁定哪一个是说话人。When we posit an intention we just decide which of these speakers it is.

你可以否定恐惧,否定焦虑或者你可以崇尚沮丧或者虚弱。You can negate fear, negate anxiety or you can posit despair or weakness.

如果你将这种观点说给公司内部任何一个高管听,他们都会对此表示不屑。If you posit this idea to any of the company’s top executives, they’ll dismiss it.

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湖北大冶鸡冠咀矿床为一剥蚀埋藏矿床。The Jiguanzui ore deposit in Daye county of Hubei Province is a denuding buried de- posit.

美国东北部六州新英格兰区的青蛙,多半是缺少肢体,然而研究者假定,这并非谜团的解答。Since the frogs of New England are losing limbs, the researchers posit that this cannot be the answer.

研究人员还认定,天长日久,由ACE引起的高浓度应激激素会拖垮身体。Researchers also posit that high levels of stress hormones caused by ACEs can wear down the body over time.

我们是否清醒,或者在做梦,解释了神经冲动,并且假定了,他们的原因,根据他们自己的需要。Whether we are awake or dreaming interpret nerve impulses and posit causes for them according to their own needs.

这些Facebook基金将自己定位为单一股东,因此即便市场上存在着一两百个这样的基金也没有太大关系。These Facebook funds posit themselves as singular shareholders, so even a couple hundred of them shouldn't matter.

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煤炭资源预测量虽然居全国首位,但是探明程度却很低。Although predicted reserve of coal occupy head posit ion in whole country, but there are only very low proven degree.

认为该矿床银金矿化与构造演变密切相关。It is considered that there is a close relationship between mineralization and structure evolution of this de- posit.

这些袭击设定了在后现代世界中什么是意味被声音化的底版,也激励人们思考H。These forays posit a version of what it means to be voiced in a post-modern world, and encourage a consideration of H.