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结果一般只能是砸个稀烂。The results could be devastating.

你穿那套新衣服看上去漂亮极了。You look devastating in that new dress.

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失去这个小雕像对我而言是摧毁性的。The loss of the statuette was devastating.

你用的词语是成事还是败事?Are the words you use uplifting or devastating?

所以那会让人难过很久。So it will be devastating for a very long time.

一个公式怎么能产生这种破坏性冲击?How could one formula pack such a devastating punch?

这一切突然发生,其冲击是毁灭性的。Happening all at once, the impact's been devastating.

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即使是小错也可能酿成大祸。Even small mistakes can have devastating consequences.

胰腺癌种十险恶性瘤。Pancreatic cancer is one kind of devastating diseases.

发展中的亚洲正在毁灭性的危机后倒退。Developing Asia was reeling after a devastating crisis.

我认为这是压倒性的,极其精彩的论证。This is a devastating and, I think, brilliant argument.

在日本东北海岸遭受8.9级地震袭击之后,在日本东部宫城县的仙台,大量房屋被海啸冲走。TOKYO — A devastating tsunami hit the coast of northeast

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玛丽是一个活泼的歌唱演员,也是一个极善挖苦模仿别人的人。Mary is a lusty singer and a devastating take-off artist.

第一次奇虚乐就足以是毁灭性的。The first, Chicxulub, would have been devastating enough.

闷燃着的香烟会引起毁灭性的林区大火。A smouldering cigarette can kindle a devastating bushfire.

对于工人来说,停产和裁员是灾难性的。For workers, the shutdowns and job losses are devastating.

目前,智利强震死亡人数已达795人。The death toll from the devastating quake had reached 795.

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成瘾症实在是复杂、可怕得难以想象。Addiction is such an incredibly complex and devastating disease.

议院,最历害的武器就是嘲笑。In the House of Commons the most devastating weapon is ridicule.

在下议院,最历害的武器就是嘲笑。In the house of commons the most devastating weapon is ridicule.