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我们用低速中子照射整个沙漠。We irradiate the desert with slow neutrons.

用激光笔照射一只苍蝇的复眼。Use a laser pen to irradiate one fly's compound eye.

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但是我们将用两种,不同的光源照射它。But we're going to irradiate it with two different light sources.

在大半个世纪以来辐照食品的技术变得愈加突出。The technology to irradiate food has been around for the better part of a century.

地球绕著太阳公转,我愿像太阳照耀著你,当你围绕在我身旁……The earth goes around the sun, I am willing to irradiate you like the sun when you are around me.

目的探讨中波紫外线照射仪对绝经后骨质疏松的治疗作用。Objective To study the role of UVB irradiate instrument in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis.

给出了在不同泵浦功率下,共轭波强度随照射时间变化的实验曲线。The experimental curves about intensity of conjugate wave vs. irradiate time at different pump power is given.

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应用紫外线照射,在光敏剂BP存在条件下在PET表面引入-COOH,在此基础上利用共价键接枝RGD短肽。When there exists BP, ultraviolet radiation irradiate on the PET surface introduced- COOH, then graft RGD on it.

小学在一个很大的山洞里,山洞的光线充足,因为洞口很大,阳光可以照射进来。This primary school is in a big cave on the mountain. The cave is full of bright lights, so sunshine can irradiate in.

当盖子打开时,不要按开关,紫外线不可直接照射皮肤或眼睛,否则将伤害皮肤或眼睛。Do not press on-off when the cover is opening. Can NOT irradiate skin and eyes directly by UV tube or else will be injured.

所以如果你飞的太快,则氢原子撞击船会有很高能量,渗入船体,放射射线影响乘客。So when you're going fast, the hydrogen atoms come at the ship with high energy, penetrate the ship and irradiate the occupants.

首先利用量测薄膜经雷射照射后的穿透率变化,来界定薄膜临界损伤状态。First, we determine the threshold damage condition of thin film by measure change of penetration of thin film after laser irradiate.

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LED阵列照射笔用来照射人体皮肤的穴位,作用到人体上可能会和针灸有一样的效果。The LED arrays device is used to irradiate the points of human body, acting the same effect on personal organization as the acupuncture.

在工作实验中,使用了2793K卤钨灯照射CCD143A光电器件,同时分别测量了光度量与辐射度量,其结果与计算值相近。In experiments, we used the 2793K halogen tungsten lamp to irradiate the detector of CCD143A and measured the values of photometry and radiometry.

在间接驱动内爆实验环境下,腔壁的散射激光会部分地照射到靶球上,对靶球的压缩过程有影响。In the indirect driven implosion, the scattering laser from the hohlraum wall will partially irradiate on the capsule and influence its implosion.

利用不同能量的各项同性点源对铁和铅两种靶物质进行照射,使用蒙特卡罗程序实现模拟计算。Point sources with different energies were used to irradiate target materials of iron and lead, with simulated calculation made by Monte Carlo code.

电子束和X光加速器都可以用来辐照各种不同形状和大小的食品,不过X光穿透大型食品的能力更佳。Electron beams and X-ray accelerators can both be used to irradiate various shapes and sizes of food, although X-rays are better at penetrating large items.

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本系统对演讲人的眼睛部位不照射强光,不会对演讲人的眼睛造成伤害,同时不影响投影效果。The system does not irradiate hard light to the positions of the eyes of the speechmaker, can not damage the eyes of the speechmaker or influence projection effect.

你还说过,我是一个极度缺乏安全感的女人,所以,你要用你所有的爱来温暖我,就像那一缕一缕的阳光,慢慢照射到阴霾的最深处。You said, I'm an extremely insecure woman, so, you want to use all of your love to warm I, like that a wisp of a ray of sunshine, slowly irradiate the deepest haze.

如果有机行业愿意接受对他们的产品进行辐照杀菌,那德国大肠杆菌事故的悲剧可能就会避免。The real tragedy of the E. coli incident in Germany is that the outbreak could have been prevented if the organic industry had been willing to irradiate their produce.