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亚里斯多德的科学早已盛行一时。Aristotle's science had acquired ascendancy.

而贩毒集团的这种优势是一个全球性问题。And this ascendancy of the drug cartels is a global problem.

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美国大众文化的发展有许多原因。There are many reasons for the ascendancy of American mass culture.

这标志着保守主义长达30年的主导地位的终结。This marks the end of the conservative ascendancy of the past 30 years.

然而钟宁的权势与财富没有征服杨瑞。However Zhong Ning's ascendancy and fortune do not have conquer poplar luck.

伊拉克强横不羁,教派林立,占主导地位的是许多骨子里反美的力量。It's a tough, sectarian system with many deeply anti-American forces in ascendancy.

1988年的汉城奥运会宣告了韩国的亚洲经济新贵地位。South Korea announced its economic ascendancy by hosting the Games in Seoul in 1988.

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坐稳银河皇帝宝座之后,达斯·西帝厄斯已不再需要分离主义者了。Upon his ascendancy to Galactic Emperor, Darth Sidious had no further need of the Separatists.

中国人正在采取什么样的措施来发挥自己的优势以成为世界第一大国,而我们却无动于衷?And what are the Chinese doing in their ascendancy to first power on earth that we did not do in ours?

目的观察纤维支气管镜在困难气管插管中的应用优势。Objective To study the applied ascendancy of fiberoptic bronchoscopy in difficult endotracheal intubation.

目的探讨多层螺旋CT在淋巴管瘤诊断中的应用优势及影像特征。Objective To study the ascendancy in the diagnoses and imaging features of MSCT in patients with lymphangioma.

换言之,惠特曼眼下应该好好享受荣升惠普首席执行官的短暂喜悦,因为接下来的日子很可能任重而道远。In other words, Whitman should enjoy her ascendancy to the CEO's desk. What comes next is likely to be much harder.

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如今,许多官员和专家认为,中国的优势将会使太平洋两岸的对抗一触即发。Now its ascendancy is about to set off what many officials and experts see as a backlash on both sides of the Pacific.

禁止滥用市场支配地位是反垄断法三大重要组成部分之一。The prohibition of the abuse of market ascendancy is one of the three significant integral parts of anti-monopoly law.

2007年中国在新专利申请数上超过了德国,这是东方占支配地位的更多故事中的一部分。In 2007 China overtook Germany in terms of new patent applications. This is part of a wider story of Eastern ascendancy.

本次金融危机帮助了中国成功上位,因为它受到的影响小于其他大型经济体。China's ascendancy has been boosted by the financial crisis, from which China has suffered less than other major economies.

为了自身的利益,控股股东可能会凭借其优势地位,侵害中小股东的利益。The ascendancy maybe be used to inroad the profits of shareholders who hold the medial or small stock for themselves interests.

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就在奥加纳继任总督职位前,关于他是否有合适继承权的问题曾引发了一场争论。For a brief time before Organa inherited the Viceroy title, there was a dispute regarding the appropriate lineage of ascendancy.

丰田章男是否通过谴责我们而回避了那些对他是裙带关系受益人的批评,以确保其在公司领导层的统治地位?Is Akio ducking criticism of being a beneficiary of nepotism by accusing us and trying to justify his ascendancy to the top job?

专利联盟的反垄断审查主要包括卡特尔管制和滥用市场支配地位行为禁止。Patten alliance-based anti-monopoly review mainly consists of Cartel Regulation and the forbiddance of abusing market ascendancy.