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市场既不会爱国,也不会不爱国,而且它们从不撒谎。Markets are neither patriotic nor unpatriotic and they never lie.

你要是去沃尔玛买东西,你就是卖国贼。If you're buying Chinese crap at Wal-Mart you are being unpatriotic.

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比如,林登·约翰逊抨击那些涨价的钢铁制造商毫无爱国心。Lyndon Johnson attacked steelmakers who raised prices as unpatriotic.

每每她的娱乐活动也被人们视为不爱国的行为。When she entertained, critics accused her of unpatriotic extravagance.

麦凯恩努力将奥巴马描述成一个不爱国的社会主义者。Mr McCain has tried to portray Barack Obama as an unpatriotic socialist.

这就像一些美国人,像我自己,我们爱着自己的国家,我们指出了错误,but,who,say,we’,却被认为不爱国,are,told,weJust like Americans, like me, people who love our country, re going wrong re unpatriotic.

中国人骄傲的积极支持危险的民族主义倾向,健康的批评被看作不爱国的表现。Chinese pride and boosterism veer dangerously close to nationalism. Healthy criticism is seen as unpatriotic.

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中国著名的女影星巩加入新加坡国籍后,引起了人们对她不爱国的指责。One of China's most famous actresses has been accused of being unpatriotic after becoming a Singaporean citizen.

移民国外与不爱国不能截然画等号,因为有许多人虽然移民国外,但依然深爱着自己的祖国。Immigration can not completely equal to be unpatriotic. Many people are abroad, but they still love their motherland.

感谢美国的罪行吧,表达懊悔或愤慨之情的都是不爱国的,并且被严禁。Acknowledgment of the US's misdeeds and the expression of remorse or outrage over them are unpatriotic and strictly forbidden.

这些人足足用了8年时间尖叫来表现出他们如何不爱国,如同军队有难的时候还忙于诋毁总司令。These people screeched for eight years about how it was unpatriotic to undermine the commander-in-chief while troops were in harm's way.

承认这些问题,并对为什么那些对暴力事件负责的人不应该被称之为卖国者做一个透明的调查。Acknowledging these problems and having a transparent investigation of why someone committed an act of violence should not be condemned as unpatriotic.

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除了这些工具和带宽方面的问题,我还希望看到社会广泛地了解到自由地言论和提出反对观点并不等同于不爱国。Off these tools and with bandwidth part of that, I would like to see societies widely understand that free speech and dissent do not equal being unpatriotic.

不管是爱国的中国人,还是爱国意识淡漠的中国人,总肯定是会为自己的孩子的身体健康要考虑的吧!拒绝洋快餐!!!No matter who you are a patriotic or unpatriotic man, you should definitely will always be will probably consider for own child's health! Rejects the foreign fast-food! ! !

当Q镇地区的针谷发现大天然气田的时候,坏脾气的当地部族人的不爱国行为成为举国关注的事件。When the great gas fields were discovered in Needle Valley in the district Q. , the unpatriotic behavior of the intemperate local tribals became a matter for national concern.

有人循循善诱“狗不嫌家贫,儿不嫌母丑”,有人上升到爱不爱国的高度,口出污秽言者更是数不胜数,甚至有人翻出了巩俐缺席政协会议的旧账。Some people say that "Dogs don't mind poor families and sons don't mind ugly mothers, " some say that these stars are unpatriotic , and there is no lack of people who dishing it out.

主张保持这一地位的人想当然地认为,他们的野心也是全体美国人的,不把成为世界第一作为美国宏伟战略目标的美国人肯定都是不爱国的。Those who argue for renewed primacy take for granted the American-ness of their ambition, for surely only the unpatriotic among us will accept anything less than no. 1 as a grand strategic objective.