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老板哼一声。Boss humph.

我们是有上司的。There is a boss.

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他讨厌他的老板。He hated his boss.

就是说还有上司。And there is a boss.

好的,都听你的。OK, you're the boss.

向你的老板说不。Say no to your boss.

不要激努你的老板。Do not bug your boss.

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照你老板说的做。Do what the boss says.

他对老板怒目而视。He loured at the boss.

皮革厂老板霍华德。Enterprise boss Howard.

他是我曩昔的上级。He is my sometime boss.

我老板是个一毛不拔的人。My boss is a skinflint.

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噢,这是我的上司李康先生。Oh, this is my boss Mr.

她的上司是巴斯康卜先生。Her boss is Mr. Bascomb.

她老板是个一毛不拔的人。Her boss is a skinflint.

她老板是个爱财如命的人。Her boss is a skinflint.

她老闆是个一毛不拔的人。Her boss is a skinflint.

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他老板是个一毛不拔的人。His boss is a skinflint.

那车真是太有范儿了。That car is really boss.

教练,然后我该干吗?What do I do then, boss?