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胖女,肥妈,靓妹坐在椅子上打哈欠。Fat lady, big mama, Missy Bimbo sits in her chair and yawns.

这个人因为伊莲挑逗他的样子而认为她是不正经的女人。The man thought Elaine was a bimbo because of the way she flirted with him.

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当他老师斥责他时,他说,你这个蠢女人知道什么?When one of his teachers criticizes him, he says,what do you know you bimbo?

万一游戏者用完了虚拟的“濒波币”,有一个简单的解决办法。Just in case the player runs out of virtual bimbo dollars, there's an easy solution.

在bimbo指代漂亮但是愚蠢的女人之前,它的意思是强硬但是愚蠢的男人。Before bimbo referred to an attractive but stupid woman, it meant a tough but stupid man.

必须明确声明,bimbo来自于意大利语的bambino,意思是“小孩子”或“婴儿”。Just for the record, bimbo comes from Italian, from bambino meaning “little child” or “baby.”

这些变化来得很快,因为bimbo成为英语还不到100年呢。These changes came over pretty quickly since bimbo hasn’t been part of English for 100 years yet.

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这位前白宫见习生说,她曾被媒体描绘成一个坏女人,受到媒体接连不断的侮辱,这是不公正的。The former White House intern says was unfairly presented as a bimbo and subject to 'violation after violation' by the media.

她问第二次大战是德国人胜还是日本人胜,提得出这样问题的人才真是个bimbo。Remember last week in class, a girl asked who won World War II, the Germans or the Japanese? What a silly question, shes a real bimbo.

是因为你听到过一些很有趣的关于黄发笑话还有你是无聊的,也许你面带斑点的配偶目测到的是一杯金色柠檬汁葡萄酒?Is it because you heard blondes have more fun and you're bored, or maybe you spotted your spouse eyeballing up a blonde bimbo? Either way, have fun with it!

在游戏中,你就是小妞,你的目标就是找到一份“有趣的工作来维持你的需要以及小妞可能需要的衣服”,然后“成为小镇上的时尚妞”。In the game, you’re Miss Bimbo, and your aim is to get a “fun job to pay for your needs and all the clothes a Bimbo could possibly want, ” and “become the trendsetting bimbo in town.”