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其一是一种新的掠夺单位。The first is the new Raider unit.

清道夫飞船名为“袭击者号”。The scavenger vessel is called the Raider.

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博洛雷先生是法国顶尖的企业掠夺者。Mr. Bolloré is France's top corporate raider.

以下所有的都是掠袭者的角色特征。All of the following are Class features of the Raider.

这么多古墓丽影的产品,您平时都放在哪?How do you store or display all of your Tomb Raider goods?

沙漠袭击者是一种以色列设计的快速攻击车。The Desert Raider is an Israeli-designed fast attack vehicle.

如果你答错了,电冰箱入侵者将丢失盛宴的一部分。If you are wrong, the Fridge Raider will lose one of his treats!

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每一个塔斯肯袭击者,无论男人、女人还是孩子,都死在了他的剑下。Every single Tusken Raider man, woman and child died by his hand.

突击车是游戏里第二快速的陆军载具。The Raider Buggy is the 2nd fastest class of vehicle in the game.

掠袭者可以在一次遭遇中使用一次野蛮攻击。The Raider may choose to make a ferocious attack once during an encounter.

这次,民兵们开火了,沃森和另一名袭击者受伤了,而那位战俘则安全地逃跑了,沃森爬回武器库。Watson and the other raider were wounded. Their prisoner escaped to safety.

一般来说每天拍摄古墓丽影会花多长时间?How long does it take for a typical filming day for Rise of the Tomb Raider?

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爸爸回来了,我们请教了爸爸,爸爸将这辆四驱车拼好了,啊!Dad came back, we asked a daddy, daddy will the raider buggies spell well, ah!

同时,安德斯进入了太空混战并与塞昂侵略者持续僵持。Anders enters the space melee and has a surprising standoff with a Cylon raider.

四驱车和毒液是相当有效的,还有黑手和火焰坦克也是。Raider Buggies and Venoms work extremely well, as do Black Hands and Flame Tanks.

救赎者级兰德掠袭者是完全独立的,因此,它没有任何火力点。The Land Raider Redeemer is totally self-contained and as such has no fire points.

仅有一艘赛昂袭击机被毒蛇战机飞行员冠上名字。它的名字是?Only one Cylon raider ship was named by the Viper pilots. What was its nom de guerre?

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即便时无星之夜,掠袭者也能知道方位。The Raider always knows his or her direction on the plains, even under a starless sky.

这次飞行结束后,一个塔斯肯袭击者用头部有毒的加德菲攻击比格斯。After the flight, Biggs was attacked by a Tusken Raider with a poison-tipped gaderffii.

塔斯肯袭击者最奇特之处就是他们与班萨之间的神秘联系。The strangest aspect of the Tusken Raider is the mysterious relationship with the bantha.