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我学会了做木工。Father, I have become a joiner.

时的,我们把所有的细木工舾装都分包出去。Y es, we subcontract almost all the joiner work.

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顾名思义,易视频乔伊纳是非常容易的使用。As the name implies, Easy Video Joiner is very easy to be used.

这是因为就分子而言,碳是一种很好的化学物的结合体。That's because on a molecular level, carbon is a wonderful chemical joiner.

是的,我们将所的的细木工舾装都分包出去。这将节约我们很多的时间。Yes, we subcontract almost all the joiner work. This will save us lots of time.

如果你要想同那些有影响的人物面对面,你得先成为参与者。If you want to meet the movers and shakers directly, you have to become a joiner.

像Joiner医生一样,其他内科医生开始考虑对儿童也使用这种药物。Physicians like Dr. Joiner are beginning to consider using the drug routinely in young children.

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最后,木和Nieuwhof建议父母做得最好时,与他们的社区和教会的伙伴关系连接。Finally, Joiner and Nieuwhof suggested that parents do best when connected in partnership with their community and church.

第二天早上,木匠付了房钱,背上小餐桌继续赶路,他压根儿没想到这张小桌已是假的了。Next morning the joiner paid for his bed, took up his table, never thinking that he had got a false one, and went his way.

“这使人们意识到如果能够在孩子一出生就诊断出来的话,我们就可以采取一些措施来预防它,”Joiner医生说。"It made people realize that if we could diagnose immediately after birth, we could do something to prevent it, " Dr. Joiner said.

从禁止重复评价原则的角度审视,想象竞合犯的本质是实质的一罪。From the angle of the principle of prohibition repeatable evaluation, the essence of imaginative joiner offences is one offence in substance.

这可能提供了教堂和家长之间的伙伴关系的那种乔伊纳和Nieuwhof最终信念是最有意义的父母必要的。This might provide the kind of partnership between church and parents that Joiner and Nieuwhof ultimately belief is necessary for the most meaningful parenting.

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胡锦涛还出席了威斯敏斯特市长乔伊纳在始建于16世纪的圣詹姆士宫举行的具有浓郁传统风格的欢迎仪式。Hu also attended a heavily traditional welcoming ceremony held by the Lord Mayor of Westminster Tim Joiner in St. James's Palace that was built in the 16th century.

一个毫不起眼、没有受过多少教育的工匠,约翰·哈里森,最终凭借一系列的发明创造和不断改良,最终获得了这笔丰厚的奖金。John Harrison, a working-class joiner with relatively little education eventually won the prize after building a series of clocks, each improving on the previous one.

乔纳和niewhof教的最重要的家庭价值观是有效的父母拓宽了对孩子的影响圈,并延伸超出了他们的直系亲属。The first major family value taught by Joiner and Nieuwhof is that effective parents widen the circle of influence on their children to extend beyond their immediate family.

被铸成厢房的上下两件的空心有碳桅杆而且装以翼细木匠而且已经弯曲厢房桩梢,这不但改良措施班机而且加上模型的光滑形状。The two-piece hollow moulded wings have carbon spars and wing joiner and have curved wing tips, which not only improve the flight performance but also add to the sleek appearance of the model.