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不会给缪斯的冠冕增添一分光彩。No adjunct to the Muses' diadem.

电子书籍是印刷书籍的美好的辅助品。Electronicbooks are a wonderful adjunct toprint books.

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相反,他们拥有兼任或客座的职位。Instead, they might be in adjunct or visiting positions.

缝线是一种异物,但是一种在手术中必要的附属品。Sutures are foreign bodies but a necessary adjunct in surgery.

在这两种情况下,作业管理都可以作为其他管理形式的辅助手段。In both cases, job management is an adjunct to other styles of management.

高压氧对于喉部放射线性坏死可做为一个有用的辅助性治疗。HBO therapy could be a useful treatment adjunct for laryngeal radionecrosis.

描述性附加谓语的主项可以是句子的主语,也可以是宾语。A depictive adjunct predicate may be hosted by either the subject or the object.

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一个兼职教授被聘用来只教有限时间的课程,通常只有一个学期。An adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester.

舞蹈成为歌曲的附属物,这也是春节晚会的一大发明创造。To become an adjunct dance songs, which is a big Chinese New Year party inventions.

然而,在大多数案例中,多层螺旋CT将会是常规尸检最好的辅助手段。Howeer, in most cases, MDCT would best be employed as an adjunct to routine autopsy.

一个助理教授被聘在一个有限的时间内任教,通常是一个学期。An adjunct professor ishigherhired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester.

一个副教授是有期限的被雇佣,通常是一个学期。AndAn adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limited time, usuallyonceaone semester.

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我加入了一个90年代初专为买保险而设立的附属团体。I joined the group as an adjunct in the early ’90s specifically to buy health insurance.

阿立也表明,作为辅助抗抑郁药对抑郁症。Abilify is also indicated as an adjunct to antidepressants for major depressive disorder.

大连医科大学兼职副教授,资深皮肤医学美容专家。Dalian Medical University associate adjunct professor, senior medical skin beauty expert.

基因卡亚汉,经济学家,作家,路德威格研究会的助理学者。Gene Callahan economist, writer, and adjunct scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

经皮电神经刺激的使用已超过三十年,它被作为疼痛药物治疗的辅助手段。TENS was introduced more than 30 years ago as an adjunct to pharmacologic pain management.

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我觉得法官是在把我变成法律制度下的一个极不情愿又不必要的附庸。I felt that the judge was making me an unwilling and unnecessary adjunct to the court system.

因此,可确认块状物是不恰当的焊接所致产物。It was concluded that spot adjunct was a result of improper welding of internal bearing ring.

附属教授同样也是受限制的或者是业余的职务,做研究或者是授课。An adjunct professor is also a limited or part-time position, to do research or teach classes.