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而这次,修理工不到一个小时就到了!A repairman arrived within the hour!

利用修理工修理你的城堡。repair your castle with your repairman

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修理工,修理你受损的城堡。Repairman that repair your wounded castle.

修理工决定幽她一默。The repairman decided to have a bit of fun.

修理人员来修复印机了吗?Is the repairman coming to fix the photocopier?

修理工决定幽她一默。The repairman decided to have a wee bit of fun.

你能马上派一个修理工来修一下吗?。Will you send a repairman to do it immediately?

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当金是持续上升,我是美泰修理工。When gold is going up I am the Maytag repairman.

使用硬币招募更多的修理工加快修理城堡。use coins to recruit more repairman to speed up.

你可以叫修理工人今天下午来修锁吗?。Can you have the repairman fix the lock this afternoon?

如果有泄漏或一些湿气,立刻告诉安装工。If there is a leak or some moisture, call a repairman immediately.

一位火爆脾气的老太太给供电公司打电话要个检修工。A feisty old lady had to call the electric company for a repairman.

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修理工到了歉,把自行车放到卡车后面。The repairman apologized and threwthe bike in the back of his truck.

农民、卡车司机、流水线工人、维修师等。The farmer, the truck driver, the assembly-line worker, the repairman.�

窃贼装成电视修理工混进了房子。The thief got into the house by masquerading as a television repairman.

觉得自己还有小段时间调节,便和丈夫去土耳其和泰国度假,她丈夫是个房屋修理师。So she took vacations to Turkey and Thailand with her husband, who is a home repairman.

考虑了一个修理工带有多重休假的单部件可修系统。This paper studies a one unit repairable system with multiple vacations of one repairman.

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而如果在美国,一位好的吉他修理师在知道我是谁后恐怕只会耸耸肩。the same news would have induced a shrug from a good guitar repairman back in the states.

修理工在电视机柜里都要被挤扁了,而且显然越来越热。Inside the TV, the repairman was necessarily cramped and clearly getting hotter and hotter.

本文讨论了由两个同型部件和一个修理工组成的可修系统。This paper discusses a repairable system consisting of two identical units and one repairman.