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查尔斯·斯坎隆报道。Charles Scanlon reports.

你是查尔斯-W-格瑞姆斯?Are you Charles W.Grimes?

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查理斯低下头来。Charles inclined his head.

你知道查尔斯巴贝奇吗?You know, Charles Babbage?

我能受得住,亲爱的查尔斯。I can bear it, dear Charles.

查尔斯老是刺激我。Charles was always goading me.

他被称作“漂亮的查理”。He was hight Charles the Fair.

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查尔斯?庞兹是个可爱的人。CHARLES PONZI was a likeable man.

这名刺客是查尔斯·吉托。The assassin was Charles Guiteau.

查尔斯舒尔兹怎么可能会去世呢?How could Charles Schultz be dead?

查尔斯·巴切尔多是一位机械师。Charles Batcheldor was a machinist.

查尔斯和他的人马开始进军。Charles and his men began to march.

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查理一世统治英国11年。Charles ruled England for 11 years.

纪念英国的查理一世。"In honor of Charles I of England".

查里斯?奥斯本打嗝打了多长时间?How long did Charles Osborne hiccup?

查尔斯赞美这壮丽的景色。Charles glorified the glorious scene.

查里斯˙奥斯本打嗝打了多长时间?How long did Charles Osb. orne hiccup?

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我的上帝啊,我要向你致敬,查尔斯·狄更斯!My God, I salute you, Charles Dickens!

你会守信用么,小查尔斯?Thou wilt be faithful, little Charles?

一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。Charles finally caught on as a newsboy.