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她的祖居是中国。Her ancestral home is China.

本店是祖传推拿手法店。Our shop is the ancestral manipulation.

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还是会罚咱们跪祠堂呢?Or will punish us to bend ancestral temple?

但我们的先母们面临着其他的问题。But our ancestral mothers had other problems.

西周时期,是中国早期国家的典型期。Being little evolved from an early ancestral type.

我们的祖先在他们的生活圈中究竟有多么的不安分?Exactly how naughty were we in our ancestral environment?

那谁谁,想死后葬在我家祖坟吗?That so-and-so, want to be buried in my ancestral grave ?

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祖传的古堡,其幽灵使得胜的君王惊悸。Whose ghosts scare victor kings in their ancestral towers.

王尔德甚至成了同性恋者顶礼膜拜的“祖师爷”。Wilde went on to become homosexual worship the "ancestral."

有东西让我们的祖先提心吊胆。These are things that are scary in our ancestral environment.

中心为祖堂,这是土楼的传统。In the center is an ancestral altar, which is common to tulou.

祖先的崇拜之物已经深深的植根语兽人的宗教之中。Ancestral worship has long been at the heart of Orcish religion.

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自人类早期起,食品在各方面发生变化Food has changed in a lot of ways from the early ancestral days.

加齐将被葬在旁遮普省他的老家。Ghazi is to be buried in his ancestral village in Punjab province.

正如你们所知,我的祖籍在广东省的台山市。As you know, my ancestral home is in Taishan in Guangdong province.

大牛,这里就是孙氏宗祠的正厅了。Daniel, this is the central hall of he Sun family ancestral temple.

送祖,就是送自己家祖宗的鬼魂。Sent the ancestral, that is, to send their family ancestral ghosts.

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大牛,这镇上有两座孙氏宗祠。Daniel, there are two ancestral temples of the Sun family clan here.

按照俺家祖传下来的规矩,在那天,俺要亲手把它给她带上。I would pull it on her hand in person because of the ancestral rules.

上官钰顿了顿,即抬步往祠堂那走去。Last officer Yu, then lift a step to ancestral temple namely to hike.