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在这个地方,我能让我的头脑再分裂多久?。How long can I let my mind moulder in this place?

假期,而把病的放到死,死的放到腐烂?Holidays that they leave the sick to die and the dead to moulder?

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丈夫是一名铸铁工人和铸铁工会的会员。My husband was an iron moulder and a member of the Iron Moulders' Union.

独特设计的全铸铁结构性,彻底展现四面铇的傲世典范。This moulder has an exclusive differential all cast iron base construction.

本文针对运输机刮板锻造模具设计问题。This paper is directed against forging moulder design in scraper of conveyer.

同一楼层打粉是时,可用输送机再将面团送至立式辊印机料斗上。Also we can use the paste sending machine feeding the dough to vertical rotary moulder.

你还听说了吗,他们是如此沉迷于自己的假期,以至于任由病人死亡,死者化为腐朽?Have you heard that they are so addicted to their holidays that they leave the sick to die and the dead to moulder?

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拥有一部高效率、卓越性能的四面铇,在精度、速度及稳定性考量下,新典范张铁5系列是您最睿智的选择!For extraordinary precision speed and reliability. This new 5-series standard of Chang Iron 4-side moulder is your best choice.

全新设计的张铁5系列四面铇木机融合经济性、高效率及高性能于一机。The new 5-series moulder from Chang Iron works give you own all the economy and efficiency of excellent performance at a reasonable price.

第二,将福利政策简单化并且完全的改革掉,旨在偿还工资给那些干了活的人并结束在上一次经济繁荣时大量不工作者拿工资的丑闻。Second, they are radically simplifying the welfare system with the aim of making work pay—ending the scandal that saw millions moulder on out-of-work benefits even at the height of the last boom.