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是阿克,阿克是一条鱼。It's Cleo. Cleo is a fish.

Cleo和T-bone来拜访。Cleo and T-bone come to visit.

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我们能带他出去和他一起玩吗?Can we take him out and play with him?" says Cleo.

在这个旁边住着她们的弟弟比尔和弟媳克里奥。Next to her lived their brother, Bill, and his wife Cleo.

拉脱维亚人那事发生的那个晚上,我当时正在外面跟车辆处的克丽欧约会。The night of the Latvians I was out with Cleo from Vehicles.

通过使用克里奥全球瓦尔Attension脚本,它会导致错误或崩溃!Attension by using Global vars in cleo scripts, it can cause bugs or crashes!

克利奥患有多发性硬化病,所以他们俩口子搬到了科尔比点寻求一种安宁、舒适的生活。Cleo had multiple sclerosis, so the pair had moved to Colby Point seeking a quiet, relaxed life.

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她鼓励克莱奥。麦迪逊和多罗西。达文波特执导,并在1914年雇佣弗朗西斯。马里昂作为她的徒弟。She encouraged Cleo Madison and Dorothy Davenport to direct and hired Frances Marion as her protegee in 1914.

大红狗克利福德担心霍华德一家人会觉得他吃得太多了,于是他同小狗克里奥和T骨一起离开了伯德韦尔岛。Worried that the Howards think he eats too much, Clifford runs away from Birdwell Island with Cleo and T-Bone.

少女克里奥正在完成老师布置的一个科研项目,但是研究却走歪了,导致她那万人迷姐姐莫莉变成了隐形人。Teenager Cleo"s school science project goes quite awry, causing her popular older sister Molly to go invisible."

尽管克莱奥表示只有球队的决定才能最终决定它的未来,但是他会乐意前往红军。Cleo has now issued a come and get me plea to the Reds, although admitting that Partizan will eventually decide his future.

大红狗克利福德、麦克和T骨都特别喜欢滑冰!但是,克利奥却没有和他们一起去,为什么呢?如果想知道答案,就快翻开书看一看吧,这真的是一个非常有趣的故事哦!Clifford, Mac, and T-Bone think that ice is nice! But Cleo will not skate with them. Why not? You can read this funny story by yourself!

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克莱奥.麦迪逊在环球出演并执导了几十部电影,同样如此的还有艾达.梅.帕克,露丝.安.鲍德温,露丝.斯通豪斯,鲁尔.沃林顿和系列女王格蕾丝.邱那德。Cleo Madison starred in and directed dozens of films at Universal as did Ida May Park, Ruth Ann Baldwin, Ruth Stonehouse, Lule Warrenton and serial queen Grace Cunard.

这场音乐会是为了纪念这座由他们共同创建的音乐厅成立40周年而特意举办的。His wife, the singer Cleo Laine, announced his death from the stage during a concert to mark the 40th anniversary of the music venue which they founded together next to their home in Buckinghamshire.