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这就是“模式识别”。It's pattern recognition.

语音识别模块?。VRM? Voice Recognition Module?

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语音识别与合成。Speech recognition and synthesis.

欢迎您的大驾光临!You are welcome recognition for coming!

你如何来宣导服务表彰?How can you promote service recognition?

导航基于路径的对象识别Navigation path-based object recognition

自我的人--寻求掌声及认可。The ego--seeks applause and recognition.

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这个小镇变得让人认不出来了。The town had changed beyond recognition.

这个城镇已变得使人认不出来了。The town has changed beyond recognition.

这地方变得认不出来了。The place has changed beyond recognition.

基于视觉特征的昆虫识别方法。Visual features-based insects recognition.

冲突识别与解决方法。The recognition and resolvent of conflicts.

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这个村庄都变得认不出来了。The village was altered beyond recognition.

选择合适的对象识别方法Choose the correct object recognition method

那顶旧帽子被戴破得叫人认不出来了。The old hat was battered beyond recognition.

必须对克伦邦的独立地位予以承认。Recognition of Karen State must be completed.

他的贡献得到认可而受到嘉奖。He was rewarded in recognition of his service.

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事实上,许多声优也是实至名归的。In fact, many seiyuu deserve this recognition.

人类对赞赏的渴求早已有之。The human desire for recognition starts early.

联邦政的府承认将带来新的权力。With federal recognition will come new powers.