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如果你有些问题,你可以用这些方法告诉TID!If you have some problems, you can tell TID by these way.

本署日后可随时就电子帐户的使用条件作出更新和修改。The conditions of use for E-Account may be updated and revised by the TID from time to time.

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结果表明该模型对组建ATS和设计TID具有一定的指导作用。The outcome shows that this model has definite guidance function to build ATS and design TID.

如果此奖项未来有逐渐往国际发展的计划,此点绝对不可忽视。If TID Award's long-term plan is to become international, this is an important point that cannot be overlooked.

本署会以接获申请的日期及活动结束的日期来决定申请是否过期。TID will base the date the application is received and the end date of the relevant activity to determine whether the application is late.

工业贸易署和贸易发展局在二零零零年十二月更出版了两份刊物,宣传内地加入世贸组织的影响。In December 2000, the TID and the TDC had jointly issued a pamphlet and supplement to publicise the implications of China's accession to the WTO.

用此法对一典型TID事件进行分析计算,所得结果与全波解数值研究结果很好符合。This method is utilized for a typical TID event and the result is in good agreement with that obtained by numerical studies of full-wave solution.

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2012年的投稿件数在景气不佳中仍突破400多件,是TID大奖已被亚洲地区设计人肯定的证明。Even during recession, the number of entries for 2012 still exceeded 400, a sign that the TID Award is widely recognized in the Greater China Region.

测试结果表明,该方法能有效地补偿快速的TID污染,并且对不同电离层频率调制具有良好的自适应性。The test results show that the proposed method can effectively compensate even for rapid TID and has good adaptability for different ionospheric frequency modulations.

结论,这些数据显示,万艾可有与临床相关的量-效关系,在50毫克日三次剂量下,6-MWD有显著改善。In conclusion, these data suggest that sildenafil has a clinically relevant dose-response relationship with a significant improvement in 6-MWD only at a dose of 50mg tid.

2009年台湾室内设计大奖的得奖人有许多新面孔出现,这是室内设计界的好消息,同时也代表著新世代设计浪潮的兴起。There were many new faces who won the 2009 TID Award. This is good news for the interior design world. At the same time, it signifies that there is a rise of new generation design trend.