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回风管道部分。Return air duct section.

管音带能治疗通常的疣。Duct tape can cure the common wart.

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手腕和脚踝上都有布基胶带。Duct tape on the wrists and ankles.

风喉支撑距离只供参考之用。Duct support spacing is for reference only.

你曾经用管状胶带粘过管道吗?Have you ever used duct tape to tape a duct?

可指定是圆形管或矩形管。Circular or rectangular duct can be specified.

在直接空冷设计中,主管道的设计占重要的地位。In ACC design, main duct design is a key step.

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或者,至少,可以再买一圈采暖通风管。Or, at least, to buy another roll of duct tape.

腰和大腿根部都被布基胶带缠了一圈。Duct tape across the waist and the upper thighs.

提出了风管清洗面临的问题。Proposes some questions about air duct cleaning.

所述内接头具有用于淋浴水的槽。The nipples feature a duct for the shower water.

PTAC超薄型风管式空调器系列。PTAC super-thin duct type air-conditioner series.

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法国的解剖学家,他发现了胸导管。French anatomist who discovered the thoracic duct.

肝内胆管结石必须开刀手术吗?Intrahepatic bile duct stones have surgery surgery?

第三组将左侧腮腺导管内置管固定于皮肤。The parotid duct was cannulated in the third group.

P63蛋白主要标记颌下腺排泄管的基底细胞。P63 labels mainly the basal cells of excretory duct.

从仪表板上拆下除霜器导管。Remove the defroster duct from the instrument panel.

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管持续引流胆汁可降低胆总管压力。T-tube drainage can decrease the bile duct pressure.

是的,胶带可用于治疗疣。That’s right, duct tape might be used to cure warts.

胆汁是通过胆道进入十二指肠的。Bile is introduced into the duodenum by the bile duct.