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生物科学和生物工程之间有一个很明显的区别。A clear distinction must be drawn between bioscience and biotechnology.

有生物和生物化学相关产品的应用和市场经验。Good bioscience &Bio-chemistry product, application and market knowledge.

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他们引入了多数生物科学所欠缺的纪律和严谨。They are introducing a discipline and rigour that is missing from most of bioscience.

保罗•汉勒说,生物科学毕业生的增加会有助于经济增长。Paul Hanle says increasing the numbers of bioscience graduates could help the economy grow.

美国生理学会于1887年建立,旨在进行基础及应用生物科学研究。The American Physiological Society was founded in 1887 to foster basic and applied bioscience.

增加了一大批高素质的专业毕业生在生物科学专业,也会帮助经济增长。Increasing the numbers of qualified graduates in bioscience majors, would also help the economy grow.

这将被广泛滴认为S生物科学和化学滴结合及它与生物技术之间滴关系这个意思。thus the interface between bioscience and chemistry and its relationship to biotechnology must be broadly interpreted.

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如何利用大面积的盐碱地,提高作物耐盐性是生物科学的一个重要研究课题。How to use the great area saline soil and improve the tolerance of salt is an important research subject in bioscience.

事实上,目前状况已经开始表明,似乎生物科学正在蓬勃向前发展。In fact, the state has already at present begun to indicate, it seems that bioscience is being developed flourishingly forward.

生物科学画是艺术与科学有机交融的产物,是生物科学研究和教学工作的重要工具。A bioscience picture is a production blended as well as art and science, It is an important tool in biological research and education.

该产品使用在医疗器械方面,为了防止交叉污染,不能使用脱模剂。This plastic part is for the medical bioscience industry. It cannot be molded with mold release agents because of cross-contamination.

和越来越多的中国年轻人一样,这名北京师范大学生物科学系大三学生爱上了酒吧的环境。The junior bioscience major at Beijing Normal University has, like a growing number of young Chinese, fallen in love with the pub scene.

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听了他的报告,我深深爱上了生物,我立志将来也一定要为生物科学领域做出自己的贡献。Listening to his report, I fell deeply in love with biology and I have made up my mind to make a contribution to bioscience in the future.

近年来随着上海市生命科学与生物技术的快速发展,其废弃物的环境排放带来了生态与健康的安全隐患。With the development of bioscience and biotechnology in Shanghai, it brings biosafety and environmental safety problems because of the bio-waste's emission.

实验动物在生物科学研究领域中的应用不断发展,其饲养环境和福利保障的问题已越来越被国际所关注。With the development of laboratory animal applications in bioscience researches, the good animal husbandry and welfare conditions are attracting more and more attention.

美国生物技术行业近日针对全美的生物科学教育情况作了一项调查。生物科学是指生物学及其他与生物有机体相关的科学。The American biotechnology industry recently did a study of bioscience education across the country. The biosciences are biology and other sciences that deal with living organisms.

麻萨诸塞州坎布里奇生物科学公司的研究人员,现在这种检验方法已获准在比利时、爱尔兰、荷兰、挪威、瑞士及联合王国转让。Researchers at the Cambridge Bioscience Company in Massachusetts. Now it has been approved for sale in Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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有机的与传统的农场作业系统的环境的、能源的与经济比较,生物科学55,573-582。Pimentel, D. , Hepperly, P. , Hanson, J. , Douds, D. , Seidel, R. 2005. Environmental, energetic, and economic comparisons of organic and conventional farming systems. Bioscience 55, 573–582.

将生物、信息技术等作为两国新的合作方向,早日建立中新科技联委会。Fifth, to define bioscience and IT as the new cooperation orientations between the two countries and to set up China-New Zealand Joint Committee on Science and Technology as early as possible.

医生们认为一些女性正滥用DiagCor生物科技提供的能鉴别胎儿性别的基因测试,而这可能导致与性别有关的基因混乱。Doctors believe that some women are abusing a genetic test offered by DiagCor Bioscience which can identify the sex of a baby and its chances of developing a severe sex-linked genetic disorder.