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评审的决定是最终结果,无可辩驳。The decision of the jury is final and incontestable.

但是这些辩解在当时却具有必要的意义。But those justifications have an incontestable value in their own day.

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这是无可争辩的基督来为犯罪被害人的罪孽整个世界。It is incontestable that Christ came for the expiation of the sins of the whole world.

甚至乞讨者和流浪者也会向你证明他们亦拥有无可争辩的票决权。Even beggars and vagabonds will then prove to you that they also have an incontestable title to vote.

韩剧的热播已成为一个不争的事实,它几乎成了韩国对外交流的一扇窗口。The heat of the Korea play has become an incontestable fact, it is almost an outward window for Korea.

我国专利技术实施和产业化率较低,是个不争的事实。It is incontestable that the patent technology implementation and industrialization are low here in China.

法国奥德姆公司是欧洲著名的气体检测设备专业厂家,研发生产气体检测设备已有50多年的历史。OLDHAM S. A. has been, for the past 50 years, the incontestable specialist in the prevention of gas related risks.

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经济全球化是当今世界经济发展的客观趋势,是一个无可争辩的事实。The economic globalization is an objective trend of the economic development of the contemporary world and is an incontestable fact.

但同时也存在许多不可辩驳的主动投资有效的反例。However, there are some incontestable counterexamples of active investment and even its theoretical hypotheses are contradicted by some opponents.

可以确信的是,在这些复杂关系下,一次这种打击将会产生难以预料的结果。The incontestable truth is that it is impossible to predict the outcome produced by the interaction of these contradictions in the event of such an attack.