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我是安德鲁·菲利浦。I'm Andrew Philips.

灯源是18W和36W的飞利浦光源。The lamps are Philips 18W and 36W.

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飞利浦Sonicare电动牙刷。Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush.

菲利普斯乐于赞成这个观点。Philips willingly accepted this view.

那么飞利浦公司如何取得这样的良好开端的呢?How was Philips able to get such a good head start?

我去了新罕布什尔州的菲利普斯埃克塞特学院。So I went to Philips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire,

淩芍,飞利浦研究实验室,荷兰。Ling Shao, Philips Research Laboratories, Netherlands.

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承蒙购买飞利浦型榨汁机。Thank you for your purchase of Philips Juice Extractor.

腓力普姨妈要你们赶快找丈夫,你们可没有想到吧。My aunt Philips wants you so to get husbands, you can't think.

飞利浦将起床唤醒灯替换丢失的太阳?Will waking up to Philips Wake-up Light replace the missing sun?

飞利浦认为这样的照明设备将成为室内设计的一部分。Philips thinks such lighting will become part of interior design.

删除2飞利浦螺丝钉,每边的保险杠在车轮水井。Remove 2 Philips screws on each side of the bumper in wheel wells.

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与此同时,LG和飞利浦也正大力宣扬着他们的20英寸LCD显示器。And, LG Philips is also touting its 20-inch LCD displays for laptops.

发现确切的飞利浦32英寸液晶电视要与一点击费力。Find the exact "32-inch" Philips LCD effort to be with just one click.

著名的飞利浦公司也和我司有着多年的业务往来。Philips is also well-known and I have many years of Division business.

不难发现与我们的客户飞利浦32英寸液晶电视搜索易趣拍卖。Hard not to search with our 32-inch LCD TV Philips eBay auction search.

我爱的行动和喜欢参加托德飞利浦或贾德Apatow电影。I love to act and would love to be in a Todd Philips or Judd Apatow movie.

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然后飞利浦再提供一个毛坯房,让网友自行发挥。Philips again and then provide a rough room, so users can play their part.

飞利浦还提供一系列的低功耗大屏幕高清晰电视。Philips is also offering a line of low-power-consumption big-screen HDTVs.

PHILIPS曙光星沙工厂燃油蒸汽锅炉为例进行介绍。Herewith he gives an example of fuel steam boiler of LG PHILIPS Xingsha factory.