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你会煎鱼吗?Can you fry fish?

他们只不过是无名小贾。They are but small fry.

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请教炒股票问题?Consult fry share issue?

在我炸鸡肉的时候。While I fry the chicken.

正在包生煎。Wrapping the fry dumpling.

不宜马上用旺火翻炒。Do not stir fry immediately.

一些人用鸡蛋,香肠和青菜来炒饭。Many people like to fry potatoes.

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我是煎鸡蛋,还是煮鸡蛋呢?Shall I fry the eggs or boil them?

下一步就是把春卷放到油里炸。The next thing is fry them in oil.

人行道上烫得都可以煎鸡蛋了。You could fry eggs on the sidewalk.

如果是带骨头的鸡腿,则炸7至8分钟为宜。For meat with bone, fry 7-8 minutes.

用中火炸至芋丸呈金黄色即可。Fry the taro balls into golden ones.

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对了,就炒西红柿炒蛋吧!Rightness, fry tomato scrambled egg!

煎鱼要用慢火。We should use slow fire to fry fish.

这个平锅能用来炸土豆吗?Can this pan be used to fry potatoes?

他们便是潘恩,霍华德,福莱夫人。They were Penn, Howard, and Mrs. Fry.

在孵化网箱内进行鱼苗培育。Culture the fry in the hatchery cages.

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在煎锅中把葵花籽油加热。Heat sun flower seed oil in a fry pan.

我想要一碟炒牛肉,劳驾。I would like a beef stir fry , please.

这是巨元霸汉堡,加上大薯条和可乐。This is a Big Mac, large fry and Coke.