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韩江像一条褐色的带子。Hanjiang like a brown scallops.

项目位于江苏省扬州市邗江区沙头镇。The proposed project locates in Shatou Town, Hanjiang District.

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地籍调查工作由邗江区国土管理分局委托。Cadastral survey by the Hanjiang commissioned by the Land Management Bureau.

第5章——汉江集团增长型战略选择与实施。Chapter 5—The choice and implementation of growth strategy for Hanjiang group.

汉江边的大梦,何以竟在七星灯中醒来。Why is an ambitious dream by Hanjiang River awakened in the lamps of seven stars?

悍将家具厂是一家现代和新古典风格的家具制造企业。Hanjiang is a furniture manufacturing enterprise with both modern and new classic styles.

通过仙桃汉江公路大桥主桥的应用证明该方法是可行的。The method is testified to be feasible after it is used in Xiantao Hanjiang highway bridge.

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在汉中市汉江水位,达到今年以来的最高水位点。A stretch of the Hanjiang River at Hanzhong City reached its highest point so far this year.

汉江流域气候温和,土质、植被适宜白蚁生长。In the Hanjiang Valley, the climate, soil and plant-cover conditions are suitable to white ants growing.

在湖北境内的蜀道就是纵横延伸于川陕鄂豫数省、被近人称之为“南方丝绸之路”的汉水流域古盐道。So we can say that Emperor Yan is the biggest and highest pride for the people in Hanjiang River region.

奔腾不息的汉江水,孕育了仙桃人自强不息的精神。The running Hanjiang River water has cultivated the Xiantao people's unremitting self-improvement spirit.

汉水为长江最大支流,也是中国古代历史文化名河之一。Though a well-known river with rich culture and history, Hanjiang was long in controversy for its real source.

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“防渚”非“房陵”,而在汉水河谷的丹江口到那县这段水路途中。"Fangzhu", not "Fangling", is in the water region of Hanjiang River between Yunxian County and Danjiangkou City.

对韩江流域水量分配方案的研究思路与研究重点进行分析与探讨。The guideline and emphasis of the water quantity allocation scheme research for Hanjiang River Basin has been studied.

热情欢迎各地朋友参观韩江陶瓷有限公司,欢迎提供宝贵意见,携手合创辉煌。Warmly welcome friends to visit the Hanjiang Ceramics Co. , Ltd. , welcomed the valuable advice, and work together brilliant.

蔡甸汉江大桥由于结构设计变更,要求桥面混凝土采用轻质高性能混凝土。The bridge project, Caidian Hanjiang River, requires High Performance Light-Weight Concrete due to its structural design changing.

中国武汉,河床上可见抽芽的植物,溪水开始填补长期干旱造成的大地龟裂。WuhanChina-Plants sprout as small streams of water begin to fill the cracks of the dried-up bed of a branch of the Hanjiang River.

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仙桃汉江公路大桥主桥是一座独塔不对称双索面预应力混凝土斜拉桥。Xiantao Hanjiang Highway Bridge is an asymmetry prestressed concrete cable-stayed bridge with single tower and double cable planes.

选择汉江老灌河流域为研究对象,采用数字滤波进行基流分割的应用分析研究。The Laoguanhe watershed of the Hanjiang River was selected as case study and digital filter was used to conduct base flow separation.

处于韩江河口高速堆积环境的汕头港口航道,淤积严重。The harbour waterways of Shantou Port have been silted seriously under the high speed deposit environment around the Hanjiang River mouth.