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那么,盆腔炎治愈后复发怎么办呢?So, after cure pelvic infection recurrence?

无下咽局部复发者。No local hypopharyngeal recurrence occurred.

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MVD是影响其复发的危险因素。KDR and MVD were risk factors for recurrence.

术后最长已随访3年,均未发现导管再通现象。There was no recurrence in 3 years follow up.

术后疝气的长期复发率尚不得而知。The long-term recurrence rate is not yet known.

出院后随访无疼痛再发。Post-discharge follow-up without pain recurrence.

应尽量避开下述的重复发生形式The following recurrence patterns should be avoided

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术后平均随访41个月,无肿瘤复发。The mean follow-up was 41 months with no recurrence.

术后经六个月追踪没有复发的情形。There was no recurrence after six months of follow-up.

第三部分是投壶游戏的现代回归情况。The third part is the recurrence of Touhu in modern age.

二者皆经手术成功切除肿瘤且未再复发。Both tumors were successfully resected without recurrence.

复发再治疗依然可能有效。Retreatment after recurrence still may achieve good effect.

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尿路结石症是一种具有高复发率的常见疾病。Urolithiasis is a common disorder with a high recurrence rate.

术后6个月随访,有6条患肢出现溃疡复发,加行SEPS治疗后溃疡愈合。The ulcer of 6 limbs was recurrence on 6 months after operation.

未见严重并发症及静脉曲张复发。There was no severe complication and recurrence of varicosities.

他的妻子伊丽莎白因癌症复发正在接受治疗。His wife, Elizabeth, is being treated for a recurrence of cancer.

这会降低脚趾甲再向内生长的概率。This will minimize the chances of recurrence of ingrown toenails.

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我们绝不许可这样的历史悲剧重演。We will never allow such a recurrence of that historical tragedy.

现在重要的是他受伤了,但他还会精神百倍的归队。It is one of those niggly ones. He came back and had a recurrence.

没有出现再撕裂或因为症状复发再手术的病例。No occurrence of re-tear or re-operation due to symptom recurrence.