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实际上我是个花剑比赛选手。Actually, I am a competitive foil fencer.

击剑手挡开了对手的猛刺。The fencer parried his opponent's thrust.

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在这方面没有一个人类击剑者能在知觉上比得上它。No human fencer could equal his perception in this respect.

在花剑和佩剑比赛中,只有进攻方才能得分。In foil and saber, only the attacking fencer can score a point.

要达到这样的要求,得需要击剑者和击剑熟手的默契配合。This is achieved by good partnership between the fencer and the fencing master.

在一场世界最佳击剑手表演中,排名的击剑手上场了。At an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage.

雨果先生90岁了,但他仍然是那个哈佛毕业的击剑冠军,还是垫着脚尖,跳着走来走去。Mr. Hugo was 90, but he still hopped around on the balls of his feet, like that fencer out of Harvard.

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网友的奋慨集中在从中国一名残疾击剑运动员金晶争取火炬的企图。But web users focused their outrage on the attempt to grab the torch from a Paralympic fencer in Paris.

在1976年蒙特利尔奥运会上,一名苏联击剑运动员被查出在剑柄内安装电子装置,并借此违规得分。In 1976, a Russian fencer in Montreal was found to have a wired-up weapon bringing him an illicit haul of points.

世界上最伟大的击剑手在一场世界最佳击剑手表演中,排名第三的击剑手上场了。The World's Greatest Swordsman At an exhibition of the world's best swordsman , the third-place fencer took the stage.

上最多才多艺的击剑运动员,他是唯一一位在同一届奥运会击剑的三个不同比赛项目中都金牌的运动员。Nedo Nadi was the most versatile fencer in history, uniquely winning an Olympic title with each of the three weapons at the same Games.

因为中国队最有可能获金牌的是女子花剑项目,而该项目的选手王卉凤已被世界冠军意大利的特里尼击败。Because the most possible event is the women's foil fencing. And our fencer Wang Huifeng has been nipped by world champion Trillini of Italy.

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尼古拉·萨科奇在致与这位27岁的残疾击剑手金晶的信中说,她在面对袭击的时候展示出了“卓越的勇气”。In a letter to 27-year-old Paralympian fencer Jin Jing, Nicolas Sarkozy told her she had shown "outstanding courage" in the face of the assault.

但体育联合会的儿童保护组织官员却将布莱尔夫人的行为向警方报了案。警方随后也对小有名气的击剑运动员冈多尔菲询问了事情的经过。But officials from the Child Protection in Sports Unit reported Blair to police who then questioned promising fencer Gandolfi about the incident.

你是一名拥有国际比赛经验、良好的英语表达能力的现役或退役击剑手吗?喜欢全职教育少年击剑手吗?Are you a current or errorformer fencer with international experience and excellent English language skills and would like to coach youth fencers as full-time job?

他随后于星期一抵达上海后对金晶进行了慰问,而且亲手将法国总统萨科齐的慰问信交给了这位中国残疾轮椅击剑手。He visited Jin Jing soon after his arrival in Shanghai on Monday, and handed over French President Nicolas Sarkozy's letter of sympathy to the wheelchair-bound fencer.

朱里奥-高迪尼1924年次在巴黎参加了夏季奥运会的花剑比赛,在最后一轮中,意大利队抗议裁判的判罚,放弃了比赛,高迪尼在巴黎也没能奖牌。Giulio Gaudini made his Olympic debut as a foil fencer in 1924. During the final pool, the Italian team withdrew in protest of a judging decision, so Gaudini left Paris without a medal.