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天上地下,唯我独尊。Heaven and earth, overweening.

有时唱歌到了目中无人的地步!Sometimes I'm overweening to sing!

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⊙、命运拉扯着年月的年轮,佯装惟我独尊的老练。The fate of pulling date rings, pretend overweening sophisticated.

看起来,你自己是一种充满偏见和唯我独尊的典型,是吗?Looks like you yourself are a case of bias and overweening derision, isn't it?

对布什来说,与他那堪称自负的政治野心相比,好的政策永远要排在第二位。But for the most part, good policy repeatedly took a back seat to Mr Bush’s overweening political ambition.

作为一名参议院,他清楚的目睹了90年代克林顿自负的保健项目提案被推翻的全过程。As a senator, he had a ringside seat when the Clintons' overweening health-care project was knocked down in the 1990s.

一个过于夜郎自大和主导一切的国家机器可能导致领导人随意用这个机器来对付其政敌。The existence of an overweening state machine that meddles in everything can tempt leaders to use it against their political foes.

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奥巴马就任美国总统之后,一改其前任布殊总统的嚣横取态,向美国的对头都伸出橄榄枝。Unlike George W Bush, his overweening predecessor, President Obama has held out an olive branch to all of America's mortal enemies.

这并非全部是布什的责任,然而在布什的任期内,良好的政策一再让位于政治上的野心,这无疑是当今美国困局的主要源头。It is not all his fault. But for the most part, good policy repeatedly took a back seat to Mr Bush’s overweening political ambition.

许多对于自己的考虑是阻拦我们作出那个决定的原因,虽然我们假装是别的事情。An overweening consideration for ourselves is the thing that keeps us from that decision, though we put it that we are considering others.

我们是重要的军事大国,我认为对一个自信拥有超级力量的国家来说,历史认知从道德来说是必须的。We are the world's dominant military power, and I believe a consciousness of history is a moral necessity for a nation possessed of overweening power.

这一计划是要找到一种除了妄自尊大的政府之外向人民提供公共服务的替代方法,而这仅当盈利性公司全力参与时才有可能成功。The plan to find alternatives to an overweening state in the provision of public services made sense only if profitmaking firms were fully part of the mix.

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唯我独尊的中国国家权力有可能造成很多外国企业和一些发展中国家寻求其他更加宜人的投资和贸易伙伴。Overweening Chinese state power also might be chasing many foreign businesses--and some developing countries-- toward more congenial investment and trade partners.

但他认为另一种解释会更确切些,我过度的自矜使我坚持和他争辩到底。I did it in my way, but he thought a different explanation would fit better. My overweening conceit made me stick to my guns and argue the point with him at length.

一旦赢得大选,党派政客们大多须以全体的名义进行统治,把他们所维护的过分夸大的政府权力运用起来,所以就让政客们统统见鬼去吧。The most partisan politicians, upon winning, must govern in the name of all, using the powers of overweening government they have secured, so to hell with all politicians.

晚明市民文化造就了一种具有时代特点的惟我独尊、狂傲无比的文化人格,其所折射出来的文化光芒,沐浴着晚明文人士子的旅游心理和言行。It had also brought up an overweening cultural personality, and its cultural rays of light had bathed the tour minds and words and deeds of intellectual in late Ming Dynasty.

亨利·基辛格曾说过,“国际上总有关于美国自负号令天下的批评,然而美国这些表现十有八九是出于国内某些利益集团的压力”。Henry Kissinger once noted that “what is presented by foreign critics as America's overweening quest for domination is very frequently a response to domestic pressure groups.”

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他本可以唤醒大部分受自负的特权阶级蒙蔽的人们,但是模仿保守党的“中产阶级”多数论的神话对选举有利。He could have galvanised the great majority that have been cheated by an overweening super-class but thought it electorally necessary to mimic the Tory myth of the undifferentiated big-tent "middle".