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所以目前出生的狮虎兽仅有两只。So now the only two animals were born Liger.

狮虎兽是雄性狮子和雌性老虎的后代。A liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress

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狮虎是雄狮和雌虎交配的产物。A liger is created by breeding a male lion with a female tiger.

狮虎是奇异饲养的产物。它们在自然界中不存在。This liger is the product of bizarre breeding. They do not exist in the wild.

我的爸爸是狮子,妈妈是老虎,我却是彪,伤脑筋!My father's a lion, my mother's a tiger, and I'm a " liger . " You figure it out.

据了解,“狮虎兽”是雄性狮子和雌性老虎交配产生的后代,目前世界上仅存20只左右。As a cross hybrid between a male lion and a female tiger, the liger has only 20 others of its kind in the world.

只管走过去,不必逗留着去采了花朵来保存,因为一路上,花朵会继续开放的。Don't liger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all you wall.

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山东省野生动物园负责人说,雄狮雌虎夫妻这个月初剩下了四个“狮虎”宝宝。Handlers at the Wildlife Zoo in Shandong Province say four "liger" cubs were born to the couple earlier this month.

狮虎是雄狮与雌虎交配的结晶,而虎狮则是雌狮与雄虎交配的结果。A liger is a cross between a male lion and a tigress, while a tigon is the mix resulting from a lioness and a male tiger mating

此外,中国有一种由雄虎与雌狮交配的“虎狮”,但体型远小于狮虎兽。In addition, China has a mating by a male tiger and the lioness of the "Tiger and Lion, " but far less than the Liger animal body.

2010年10月27日,江西九江甘棠公园动物园工作人员正给一只“狮虎兽”挠痒。A three-year-old liger is being tickled during its first public appearance at the Gantang Zoo in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, on October 27, 2010.

李杰–贝拉把他的心力分别专注于薄膜与介面的科学以及高速摄影上,他的作品曾出现在许多摄影展中。Liger -Belair splits his time between the science of thin films and interfaces and high-speed photography, the results of which have appeared in many exhibitions.

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李杰–拉是法国蓝斯香宾阿丹尼大学的副教授,他在那里研究碳酸饮料的物理化学。Gé RARD LIGER -BELAIR is associate professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne in France, where he studies the physical chemistry of bubbles in carbonated beverages.