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购买散装。Buy bulk.

我要买车!墨尔本!Buy a car!

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现在就赶紧去买这张CD吧。Buy it. Now.

购买还是租用?Buy or rent?

还是去买书看吧!Buy the book.

还好我能买得起。I can buy that.

我要买辆福特车。I'll buy a Ford.

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买一个魔方。Buy a Rubix Cube.

买商店的自产商品。Buy store brands.

又是我去买叉烧包。I buy buns again.

当然我们要买了。Of course we buy.

买张好床。Buy the right bed.

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就买下那书。Just buy the book.

要买还是要租呢?To buy or to rent?

我们给他们买东西。We buy them stuff.

我们要买辆车。We will buy a car.

买一个新振荡器。Buy a new vibrator.

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购买肉色和黑色文胸。Buy nude and black.

买一个火鸡浇油管。Buy a turkey baster.

购买赛诺菲的股票。Buy stock in Sanofi.